2012-11-17 74 views



我通過使用float**並在兩個解除引用的變量處插入值來實現此目的。陣列的數量是固定的,每個陣列的長度不是,所以通過使用new —在功能CreateKernels中的if之後分配「子陣列」。


現在,這裏是問題: 我看着我的調試手錶指針內核的取消引用的值。一切正常,CreateKernels返回後(即從main範圍查看內存)後,所有數字都符合預期。但在main下一個命令後,我的號碼被完全擰緊。 如果我嘗試在後續代碼中使用數據,則會出現段錯誤。

那麼我現在的理由是: 因爲我用new創建他們應該是在堆和應該呆在那裏,直到我free[]變量—在他們不應該侷限於任何率變量範圍爲CreateKernels。指向內核結構的指針並返回它對於你們中的一些人來說可能很奇怪,但它起作用。 那麼究竟是什麼讓我的數據混亂是CreatKernels之後的下一個命令。初始化一個int而不是創建一個fstream不會弄亂我的數字。但爲什麼?

這是我的操作系統內存管理錯誤?或者這是一個愚蠢的編程錯誤? 我正在運行Ubuntu 12.04-64bit並使用Code::Blocksg++進行編譯(所有默認設置),並且這兩個可執行文件都給了我一個段錯誤。



#include <string> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#define HW width/2 
#define width1 4  // kernel width-1 (without peak) 

using namespace std; 

struct kernel_S 
    const float ** ppkernel; 
    const float * pnorm; 

void BaseKernel(const int & width, float * base) // function that fills up an 1d-array of floats at the location of base 
    for(int i=0; i<=HW-1; i++)  // fill left half as triangle 
     base[i] = i+1; 
    base[HW] = HW+1;   // add peak value 
    for(int i=HW+1; i<=width; i++) // fill right half as decreasing triangle 
     base[i] = width-i+1; 

kernel_S CreateKernels(const int &width) // function that creates an array of arrays (of variable length) 
float base_kernel[width+1]; // create a full width kernel as basis 
BaseKernel(width, base_kernel); 

float * kernel[width+1];  // array of pointers, at each destination of a pointer a kernels is stored 
float norm[width+1];   // norm of kernel 

for(int j=0; j<=width; j++) // fill up those individual kernels 
    norm[j] = 0; 
    if(j<=HW)     // left side up to peak 
     kernel[j] = new float[HW+j+1]; // allocate mem to a new array to store a sub-kernel in 
     for(int i=0; i<=HW+j; i++) 
      *(kernel[j]+i) = base_kernel[HW-j+i]; //use values from base kernel 
      norm[j] += base_kernel[HW-j+i];  // update norm 
    else if(j>=HW+1) 
     kernel[j] = new float[HW+width-j+2]; 
     for(int i=0; i<=HW+width-j; i++) 
      *(kernel[j]+i) = base_kernel[i]; 
      norm[j] += base_kernel[i]; // update norm 

kernel_S result;    // create the kernel structure to be returned 
result.ppkernel = (const float **) kernel; // set the address in the structure to the address of the generated arrays 
result.pnorm = (const float *) norm; // do the same for the norm 
return result; 

int main() 
    kernel_S kernels = CreateKernels(width1);   // Create struct of pointers to kernel data 
    ifstream name_list(FILEPATH"name_list.txt", ios::in);// THIS MESSES UP THE KERNEL DATA 

    // some code that would like to use kernels 

    return 0; 




How do I use arrays in C++?


float ** kernel = new float*[width+1];  // array of pointers, at each destination of a pointer a kernels is stored 
float *norm = new float[width+1];   // norm of kernel 

請記住用delete []刪除。

不過,我建議使用std ::向量或std ::陣列代替

#include <string> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <vector> 
#define HW width/2 
#define width1 4  // kernel width-1 (without peak) 

using namespace std; 

typedef std::vector<float> floatV; 
typedef std::vector<floatV> floatVV; 

struct kernel_S 
    floatVV kernel; 
    floatV norm; 

floatV BaseKernel(int width)  // function that fills up an 1d-array of floats at the location of base 
    floatV base; 
    base.resize(width + 1); 
    for(int i=0; i<=HW-1; i++)  // fill left half as triangle 
     base[i] = i+1; 
    base[HW] = HW+1;    // add peak value 
    for(int i=HW+1; i<=width; i++) // fill right half as decreasing triangle 
     base[i] = width-i+1; 
    return base; 

kernel_S CreateKernels(const int &width)     // function that creates an array of arrays (of variable length) 
    const floatV base_kernel = BaseKernel(width);   // create a full width kernel as basis 

    kernel_S result;          // create the kernel structure to be returned 

    for(int j=0; j<=width; j++)       // fill up those individual kernels 
     result.norm[j] = 0; 
     if(j<=HW)           // left side up to peak 
      result.kernel[j].resize(HW+j+1);    // allocate mem to a new array to store a sub-kernel in 
      for(int i=0; i<=HW+j; i++) 
       result.kernel[j][i] = base_kernel[HW-j+i]; // use values from base kernel 
       result.norm[j] += base_kernel[HW-j+i];  // update norm 
     else if(j>=HW+1) 
      for(int i=0; i<=HW+width-j; i++) 
       result.kernel[j][i] = base_kernel[i]; 
       result.norm[j] += base_kernel[i];   // update norm 
    return result; 

int main() 
    kernel_S kernels = CreateKernels(width1);  // Create struct of pointers to kernel data 
    ifstream name_list("name_list.txt", ios::in); 

    // some code that would like to use kernels 

    return 0; 


const kernel_S kernels = CreateKernels(width1); 

非常感謝。我錯過了樹林,因爲我錯誤地認爲它是動態分配的,但顯然只有一半是......謝謝你看我的代碼! –


添加了代碼與std :: vector代碼相似的演示。作爲一個規則,在現代C++中,無論何時編寫'new''或'delete',你都會做錯事情/過度複雜化(99%的時間) – sehe


@sehe:一個小小的分歧:我會說它更像99.99% 。 –