2010-12-17 35 views


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<script type="text/javascript"> 
    var panel_form = new Ext.FormPanel({ 
     labelWidth: 100, 
     style: 'margin: 10px', 
     title: 'Test Product ID#2', 
     bodyStyle:'padding:5px 5px 0', 
     width: 500, 
     defaultType: 'textfield', 

     items: [{ 
       fieldLabel: 'ID', 
       value: '2', 
       name: 'id', 
       disabled: true, 
       width: 370, 
       style: 'text-align: right', 
       name: 'id', 
       disabled: true, 
       width: 50, 
       fieldLabel: 'Product', 
       value: 'Envelope', 
       name: 'product', 
       width: 370, 
       fieldLabel: 'Description', 
       value: 'Having a good idea about the functional requirements and client-side technology choices, the next step was to decide how things were going to be on the server side. To channel all communications with my web client I decided to use an http handler. For the articles repository, a binary file would go very well with my simplicity and short-construction-time requirements. Any data access and business logic would be placed inside class libraries.', 
       name: 'description', 
       width: 370, 
       height: 100, 

當我嘗試xtype: 'textArea',我得到的錯誤types[config.xtype || defaultType] is not a constructor

      fieldLabel: 'Description', 
      value: 'Having a good idea about the functional requirements and client-side technology choices, the next step was to decide how things were going to be on the server side. To channel all communications with my web client I decided to use an http handler. For the articles repository, a binary file would go very well with my simplicity and short-construction-time requirements. Any data access and business logic would be placed inside class libraries.', 
      height: 100, 
      xtype: 'textArea', 
      name: 'description', 
      width: 370, 



你改變了defaultType'textfield',這是xtype要上除了各個領域的使用說明字段。對於那個領域,你想要一個xtype'textarea'。這將自動作爲典型的html textarea自動對齊文本和自動換行。請記住,有了很多文本,你可能會在textarea中看到一個滾動條。如果您想避開滾動條,請查看TextArea配置選項grow,growMaxgrowMin


     xtype: 'textarea', 
     fieldLabel: 'Description', 
     value: 'Having a good idea about the functional requirements and client-side technology choices, the next step was to decide how things were going to be on the server side. To channel all communications with my web client I decided to use an http handler. For the articles repository, a binary file would go very well with my simplicity and short-construction-time requirements. Any data access and business logic would be placed inside class libraries.', 
     name: 'description', 
     width: 370, 
     height: 100, 

當我嘗試,我得到的錯誤'類型[config.xtype || defaultType]不是構造函數。我上面發佈了我的代碼,有沒有我在這裏忽略的東西? – 2010-12-17 16:03:42


啊,我的壞愛德華,它應該全部小寫'textarea'。通常,可用的xtypes遵循這種模式。對不起,我的答案已更新:D – McStretch 2010-12-17 16:09:10