2016-09-19 48 views


Some comment on the 1st line of the file. 

processing date:   31.8.2016 
amount:     -1.23 
currency:    EUR 
balance:     1234.56 
payer reference:   /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212 
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 1 
additional info:   Amount: 1.23 EUR 29.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY 

processing date:   30.8.2016 
amount:     -2.23 
currency:    EUR 
balance:     12345.56 
payer reference:   /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212 
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 2 
additional info:   Amount: 2.23 EUR 28.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY 

processing date:   29.8.2016 
amount:     -3.23 
currency:    EUR 
balance:     123456.56 
payer reference:   /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212 
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 2 
additional info:   Amount: 2.23 EUR 27.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY 





可以通過多種方式完成,但最簡單的方法是將整個文件作爲字符串讀取,然後調用'.split(/^processing date /)',您將得到一個由日期開始的段列表並以在下一個項目之前出現的空白換行符結束。這很簡單,但如果你的文件很大,就可能會失敗,如千兆字節。 – quetzalcoatl


你的問題爲時過早。您需要嘗試,然後當遇到問題時,請寫下關於該特定問題的詳細問題。請閱讀「[問]」和鏈接頁面,以及「[mcve]」。另外「[Stack Overflow用戶需要多少研究工作?](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/261593/128421)」將幫助你理解我們的期望。 –




File.foreach('data.txt', "\n\n") do |li| 
    next unless li[/^processing/] 
    puts "'#{li.strip}'" 



'processing date:   31.8.2016 
amount:     -1.23 
currency:    EUR 
balance:     1234.56 
payer reference:   /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212 
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 1 
additional info:   Amount: 1.23 EUR 29.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY' 
'processing date:   30.8.2016 
amount:     -2.23 
currency:    EUR 
balance:     12345.56 
payer reference:   /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212 
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 2 
additional info:   Amount: 2.23 EUR 28.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY' 
'processing date:   29.8.2016 
amount:     -3.23 
currency:    EUR 
balance:     123456.56 
payer reference:   /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212 
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 2 
additional info:   Amount: 2.23 EUR 27.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY' 



split(':', 2)是你的朋友:

'processing date:   31.8.2016'.split(':', 2) # => ["processing date", "   31.8.2016"] 
'amount:     -1.23'.split(':', 2) # => ["amount", "     -1.23"] 
'currency:    EUR'.split(':', 2) # => ["currency", "    EUR"] 
'balance:     1234.56'.split(':', 2) # => ["balance", "     1234.56"] 
'payer reference:   /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212'.split(':', 2) # => ["payer reference", "   /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212"] 
'type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 1'.split(':', 2) # => ["type of the transaction", " Some type of the transaction 1"] 
'additional info:   Amount: 1.23 EUR 29.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY'.split(':', 2) # => ["additional info", "   Amount: 1.23 EUR 29.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY"] 


text = 'processing date:   31.8.2016 
amount:     -1.23 
currency:    EUR 
balance:     1234.56 
payer reference:   /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212 
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 1 
additional info:   Amount: 1.23 EUR 29.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY' 

text.lines.map{ |li| li.split(':', 2).map(&:strip) }.to_h 
# => {"processing date"=>"31.8.2016", "amount"=>"-1.23", "currency"=>"EUR", "balance"=>"1234.56", "payer reference"=>"/VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212", "type of the transaction"=>"Some type of the transaction 1", "additional info"=>"Amount: 1.23 EUR 29.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY"} 



謝謝!我會檢查這一點。 – stacky33


感謝您的提示!它幫助了我。 – stacky33
