2015-03-30 36 views

Nokia-Here API-V3文檔告訴我,可以在地圖上創建和實現自定義UI控件,如「按鈕」,「元素」,「容器」等。 我試過了,除了H.ui.base.OverlayPanel之外,任何東西都適用於我。 我將創建一個由地圖上的信息按鈕觸發的小信息面板。 信息按鈕不是問題。該api告訴我,有一種方法(OverlayPanel.pointToControl(控制)) 但是不適合我。有誰能夠幫助我?感謝您的答案和對不起我的英語...Nokia API OverlayPanel in API-V3




//Usual setup lines... 
var platform = new H.service.Platform({ 
    app_id: 'DemoAppId01082013GAL', 
    app_code: 'AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg', 
    useCIT: true 
var defaultLayers = platform.createDefaultLayers(); 
//Usual setup lines... 
var platform = new H.service.Platform({ 
    app_id: 'DemoAppId01082013GAL', 
    app_code: 'AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg', 
    useCIT: true 
var defaultLayers = platform.createDefaultLayers(); 
var map = new H.Map(document.getElementById('map'), defaultLayers.normal.map); 
var behavior = new H.mapevents.Behavior(new H.mapevents.MapEvents(map)); 
var ui = H.ui.UI.createDefault(map, defaultLayers); 

//OK, so now we have a UI. 
//Next thing we'll need is a control 
var myCustomControl = new H.ui.Control(); 
//Also an overlay panel 
var myCustomPanel = new H.ui.base.OverlayPanel(); 
//When the panel is rendered, we add some stuff to it 
myCustomPanel.renderInternal = function(el, doc) { 
    el.innerHTML = "Oh, hi there!"; 
    el.style.color = "white"; 

//Also a button that opens the overlay panel on click 
// and closes on next click 
var myCustomButton = new H.ui.base.PushButton({ 
    label: "clickme!", 
    onStateChange: function(evt) { 
    //OK, button state changed... if it's currently down 
    if (myCustomButton.getState() == "down") { //or: H.ui.base.Button.State.DOWN) 
     //Make sure the panel is positioned right 
     //... and open 
     myCustomPanel.setState("open"); //or: H.ui.base.OverlayPanel.OPEN 
    } else { 
     //... or close when button is not down 
     myCustomPanel.setState("closed"); //or: H.ui.base.OverlayPanel.CLOSED 
//Add the button and the panel to the control 
//Set the position of the control in the UI's layout 

//And tadaah 
ui.addControl("myCustomControl", myCustomControl);


喜@echom 遺憾的回答晚了。非常感謝。這對我很有幫助。 謝謝,bernd – 2015-11-20 13:20:10