2017-06-10 55 views


我正在運行的問題是當我測試第二個while循環檢查是否捕獲到相同的文件類型輸入時。如果文件類型錯誤,沒有一個有效的文件路徑,或者如果它不是一個普通的文件,但如果我輸入的文件與compareFile相同,initialFile while循環結束當它應該循環。


import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.io.File; 
import java.lang.Exception; 
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; 

public class QuickSortAnagram { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

    Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in); 

    String initialInput = " "; 

    String compareInput = " "; 

    //Check to make sure FIRST user input is the correct file type, is a valid file pathway, and is a normal file 

    /*while loop requires user to input a String that ends with ".txt" before 
    *the loop will end. This ensures that the user will input a String 
    *that represents the correct file type before being allowed to move on. 
    The while loop also requires that the user input a filename that has 
    a valid pathway to it and is a normal file or the user will not be allowed to move on*/ 

    boolean initialWhileLoopEnd = false; 

    while(initialWhileLoopEnd == false) { 

    System.out.println("Enter initial test file (Please make sure it is in the form 'textfile.txt', that there is a valid pathway to file, and that file is normal or program will not be able to continue): "); 
    initialInput = scnr.next(); 

    File initialFile = new File(initialInput); 

    if(initialInput.endsWith(".txt")) { 
     if(initialFile.isFile()) { 
     initialWhileLoopEnd = true; 
     else { 
     System.out.println("File does not exist and/or is not a normal file"); 
    else { 
    System.out.println("Invalid file type"); 

    //initializes file outside of while loop so it can be read later 
    File initialFile = new File(initialInput); 

    //Check to make sure SECOND user input is the correct file type, is a valid file pathway, is a normal file, and is not the same file name that user used for the FIRST check 

    /*while loop requires user to input a String that ends with ".txt" before 
    *the loop will end. This ensures that the user will input a String 
    *that represents the correct file type before being allowed to move on. 
    The while loop also requires that the user input a filename that has 
    a valid pathway to it and is a normal file or the user will not be allowed to move on*/ 

    boolean compareWhileLoopEnd = false; 

    while(compareWhileLoopEnd == false) { 

    System.out.println("Enter compare test file (Please make sure it is in the form 'textfile.txt', that there is a valid pathway to file, that file is normal, and that file is not identical to the initial file inputed or program will not be able to continue): "); 
    compareInput = scnr.next(); 

    File compareFile = new File(compareInput); 

    if(compareInput.endsWith(".txt")) { 
     if(compareFile.isFile()) { 
     if(compareFile != initialFile) { 
     compareWhileLoopEnd = true; 
     else { 
      System.out.println("File is identical to the initial file inputed. Please input a different file"); 
     else { 
     System.out.println("File does not exist and/or is not a normal file"); 
    else { 
    System.out.println("Invalid file type"); 

    File compareFile = new File(compareInput); 






if (compareFile != initialFile) { 
    compareWhileLoopEnd = true; 



if (compareFile.equals(initialFile)) { 
    System.out.println("File is identical to the initial file inputed. Please input a different file"); } 
else { 
    compareWhileLoopEnd = true; 

