2014-02-22 47 views


(defn home [& [weights grades error]] 
     [:h1 "Welcome to Clojure-grade"] 


     (form-to [:post "/"] 

       [:p "Enter the weights for your various grades below. 
        Of course, all of the numbers should add up to 100%, as in the example, below." 
        (text-field {:placeholder "40 10 50"} "weights" weights)] 

       [:p "Enter all of the grades for each student. 
        Make sure that each of the grades is ordered to correspond 
        to its matching weight above. use brackets to separate students from each other. 
        The following example shows grades for 4 students. Format your grades according to   
        the number of students in your class:" 
        (text-area {:rows 40 :cols 40 :placeholder 
           "[89 78 63] 
           [78 91 79] 
           [54 85 91] 
           ..." } "grades" grades)] 
       (submit-button "process")))) 

(defn process-grades [weights grades] 
    (->> (float grades) 
     (map (partial percentify-vector (float weights))) 
     (mapv #(apply + %)))) 

(defroutes app 
    (GET "/" [] 
     {:status 200 
     :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"} 
     :body home}) 
    (POST "/" [weights grades] (process-grades weights grades)) 
    (ANY "*" [] 
     (route/not-found (slurp (io/resource "404.html"))))) 

(defn wrap-error-page [handler] 
    (fn [req] 
    (try (handler req) 
     (catch Exception e 
      {:status 500 
      :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"} 
      :body (slurp (io/resource "500.html"))})))) 





    (read-string weights) 
    (read-string grades)) 

在這裏找到一個更好的解釋http://stackoverflow.com/a/2640320/1552130 – KobbyPemson


我感謝你對此的幫助。我已經添加了你給我的建議,但它仍然不會呈現。我現在有一個不同的問題。它略有不同,所以我在這裏問了一個新問題:[link](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21969402/clojure-heroku-web-app-page-wont-render-in-browser)。請看一看。 – kurofune