我正在使用Interspire link.php功能,並希望添加文本只是說該頁面正在加載看,因爲它需要2-5秒來完全加載腳本。將加載文本添加到此腳本?
* This file handles link tracking and processing. It will record the link click and then redirect to the proper location.
* @version $Id: link.php,v 1.19 2008/02/26 19:43:23 tye Exp $
* @author Chris <[email protected]>
* @package SendStudio
// Make sure that the IEM controller does NOT redirect request.
if (!defined('IEM_NO_CONTROLLER')) {
define('IEM_NO_CONTROLLER', true);
// Displaying an open image does not need a session.
if (!defined('IEM_NO_SESSION')) {
define('IEM_NO_SESSION', true);
// Require base sendstudio functionality. This connects to the database, sets up our base paths and so on.
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin/index.php';
* This file lets us get api's, load language files and parse templates.
require_once SENDSTUDIO_FUNCTION_DIRECTORY . '/sendstudio_functions.php';
$sendstudio_functions = new Sendstudio_Functions();
$statsapi = $sendstudio_functions->GetApi('Stats');
$subscriberapi = $sendstudio_functions->GetApi('Subscribers');
$listapi = $sendstudio_functions->GetApi('Lists');
$foundparts = array();
foreach ($_GET as $p => $part) {
$foundparts[strtolower($p)] = $part;
$linktype = 'u';
if (isset($foundparts['f'])) {
$linktype = $foundparts['f'];
* No link? Exit.
if (!isset($foundparts['l'])) {
echo 'Invalid Link.<br>';
$linkid = (int)$foundparts['l'];
* No "member" info? Exit.
if (!isset($foundparts['m'])) {
echo 'Invalid Link.<br>';
$subscriberid = (int)$foundparts['m'];
if (isset($foundparts['a'])) {
$statstype = 'auto';
$statid = $foundparts['a'];
} else {
$statstype = 'newsletter';
$statid = $foundparts['n'];
$url = $statsapi->FetchLink($linkid, $statid);
if (!$url) {
echo 'Invalid Link.<br>';
// need to decode the url in case there are custom fields with spaces in them
// eg %%first name%% (shouldn't use decode, as the custom field uses the % character which is a scpecial character for URL)
$url = preg_replace('/%20/', ' ', $url);
// make sure it's a full url.
if (strtolower(substr($url, 0, 4)) != 'http') {
$url = 'http://' . $url;
$stats_info = $statsapi->FetchStats($statid, $statstype);
if (isset($stats_info['sendtype']) && $stats_info['sendtype'] == 'triggeremail') {
$record = $subscriberapi->GetRecordByID($subscriberid);
if (isset($record['listid'])) {
$stats_info['Lists'] = array($record['listid']);
$opentime = $statsapi->GetServerTime();
$openip = GetRealIp();
$open_details = array(
'opentime' => $opentime,
'openip' => $openip,
'subscriberid' => $subscriberid,
'statid' => $statid,
'opentype' => $linktype
$statsapi->RecordOpen($open_details, $statstype, true);
$lists = $stats_info['Lists'];
$listinfo = $subscriberapi->IsSubscriberOnList(null, $lists, $subscriberid, false, false, true);
$subscriberinfo = $subscriberapi->LoadSubscriberList($subscriberid, $listinfo['listid'], true);
$subscriberinfo['listname'] = $listapi->name;
$url = trim($statsapi->CleanVersion($url, $subscriberinfo));
* IE doesn't like redirecting to urls with an anchor on the end - so we'll strip it off.
$newurl = parse_url($url);
$url = $newurl['scheme'] . '://' . $newurl['host'];
if (isset($newurl['path'])) {
$url .= $newurl['path'];
if (isset($newurl['query'])) {
$url .= '?' . $newurl['query'];
$clicktime = $statsapi->GetServerTime();
$clickip = GetRealIp();
$click_details = array(
'clicktime' => $clicktime,
'clickip' => $clickip,
'subscriberid' => $subscriberid,
'statid' => $statid,
'linkid' => $linkid,
'listid' => $listinfo['listid'],
'url' => $url
$statsapi->RecordLinkClick($click_details, $statstype);
* Do Tracking module
if ($sendstudio_functions->GetApi('module_TrackerFactory', false)) {
$status = module_Tracker::ProcessURLForAllTracker($statid, $statstype, array('url' => $url), $subscriberinfo);
if ($status != false) {
$url = $status;
* -----
header('Location: ' . $url);
我試過在各個地方加入echo "Hello world!";
你不能只是'添加一個加載欄'。 [它比那更多地涉及](http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/php/show-progress-report-for-long-running-php-scripts.html) – castis
「我有一個速度計。我要把它粘在我的車上嗎?「你可以把它粘在任何你想要的地方。問題是「我怎樣才能報告我的速度」。 –
好吧,如果你在'header(...)'之前回應任何內容,那麼只需輸入「Page loading」 – Toodarday