- P4驗證// ...
(驗證服務器的完整性) - P4管理檢查站
(做一個檢查點,確保這一步是成功的) - 備份檢查點文件和舊的日誌文件
(如果您運行的Perforce與日誌文件,你應該) - 備份你的版本控制的文件
但是請仔細閱讀手冊,特別是關於各種恢復方案。記住: 備份通常工作正常,它的恢復失敗。
根據存儲庫中進行驗證P4數據庫可能需要幾個小時的大小,這期間它會鎖定沒有人將能夠執行任何查詢。鎖定P4數據庫可能會對用戶產生多種影響,例如:如果有人在此期間正在使用或嘗試使用P4,則P4SCC插件(即用於Visual Studio集成)會旋轉,最終用戶將最終必須強迫戒菸重新獲得控制權。
- 菌種P4D的上不同的端口(p4d_2)的第二實例
- 掛起/終止主實例(p4d_1)。
- 使用p4d_2執行
p4 verify //...
和檢查點。 - 備份存儲陣列上的物理版本文件。
- 殺死p4d_2。
- 重新啓動p4d_1。
有關Perforce備份的更多信息,請參閱Perforce白皮書:High Availability And Disaster Recovery Solutions For Perforce。
# This script copies any files that are opened for any action (other than
# delete) in the specified client workspace to another specified directory.
# The directory structure of the workspace is duplicated in the target
# directory. Furthermore, a file is not copied if it already exists in the
# target directory unless the file in the workspace is newer than the one
# in the target directory.
# Note: This script looks at *all* pending changelists in the specified
# workspace.
# Note: This script uses the client specification Root to get the local
# pathname of the files. So if you are using a substituted drive for the
# client root, it must be properly substituted before running this script.
# Argument 1: Client workspace name
# Argument 2: Target directory (full path)
use File::Path;
# use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;
use Win32;
if ($#ARGV != 1) {
die("usage: $0 client_name target_directory\n");
my $client = shift(@ARGV);
my $target_dir = shift(@ARGV);
my @opened_files =();
my $client_root = "";
my $files_copied = 0;
# I need to know the root directory of the client, so that I can derive the
# local pathname of the file. Strange that "p4 -ztag opened" doesn't give
# me the local pathname; I would have expected it to.
open(CLIENT_SPEC, "p4 -c $client client -o|")
|| die("Cannot retrieve client specification: $!");
while (<CLIENT_SPEC>) {
my ($tag, $value) = split(/\s/, $_, 2);
if ($tag eq "Root:") {
$value = chop_line($value);
$client_root = $value;
if ($client_root eq "") {
die("Unable to determine root of client $client\n");
} elsif (substr($client_root, -1) ne "\\") {
$client_root = $client_root . "\\";
# Use the -ztag option so that we can get the client file path as well as
# the depot path.
open(OPENED_FILES, "p4 -c $client -ztag opened|")
|| die("Cannot get list of opened files: $!");
while (<OPENED_FILES>) {
# What we do is to get the client path and append it onto the
# @opened_files array. Then when we get the action, if it is a delete,
# we pop the last entry back off the array. This assumes that the tags
# come out with clientFile before action.
$_ = chop_line($_);
my ($prefix, $tag, $value) = split(/\s/, $_, 3);
if ($tag eq "clientFile") {
push(@opened_files, $value);
if (($tag eq "action") && ($value eq "delete")) {
# Okay, now we have the list of opened files. Process each file to
# copy it to the destination.
foreach $client_path (@opened_files) {
# Trim off the client name and replace it with the client root
# directory. Also replace forward slashes with backslashes.
$client_path = substr($client_path, length($client) + 3);
$client_path =~ s/\//\\/g;
my $local_path = $client_root . $client_path;
# Okay, now $client_path is the partial pathname starting at the
# client's root. That's the path we also want to use starting at the
# target path for the destination.
my $dest_path = $target_dir . "\\" . $client_path;
my $copy_it = 0;
if (-e $dest_path) {
# Target exists. Is the local path newer?
my @target_stat = stat($dest_path);
my @local_stat = stat($local_path);
if ($local_stat[9] > $target_stat[9]) {
$copy_it = 1;
} else {
# Target does not exist, definitely copy it. But we may have to
# create some directories. Use File::Path to do that.
my ($basename, $dest_dir) = fileparse($dest_path);
if (! (-e $dest_dir)) {
mkpath($dest_dir) || die("Cannot create directory $dest_dir\n");
$copy_it = 1;
if ($copy_it) {
Win32::CopyFile($local_path, $dest_path, 1)
|| warn("Could not copy file $local_path: $!\n");
print("$files_copied files copied.\n");
################ Subroutines #########################################
# chop_line removes any trailing carriage-returns or newlines from its
# argument and returns the possibly-modified string.
sub chop_line {
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/[\r\n]*\z//;
return $string;
REM Make sure that we are pointing to the current Perforce server
P4 set -s P4PORT=MyPerforceServer:ThePortThatPerforceIsOn
p4 set p4client=MyPerforceWorkspace
REM Copy checked out files to a local directory that will be backed up
.\p4backup.pl MyPerforceWorkspace c:\PerforceBackups\MyPerforceWorkspace_backup
- 1. SkyDrive備份問題
- 2. SQL備份問題
- 3. 使用p4admin GUI創建Perforce備份
- 4. mysql的備份問題
- 5. SQL Server備份問題
- 6. 數據庫備份問題
- 7. MS SQL SERVER備份問題
- 8. SQL phpmyadmin備份問題
- 9. 考慮備份的問題
- 10. Hudson-JIRA-Perforce集成問題
- 11. 恢復數據庫備份問題
- 12. 恢復SQL Server備份的問題
- 13. SQL Server備份還原問題?
- 14. 日誌文件備份 - 問題
- 15. 備份Oracle 10g時出現問題
- 16. 問題涉及到備份按鈕
- 17. MySQL數據庫 - 備份問題
- 18. 問題在導入MySQL的備份
- 19. SQL Server備份排序問題
- 20. php備份sqlite3數據庫問題
- 21. 備份腳本創建存檔問題
- 22. Android:數據庫備份問題
- 23. MySql導入備份 - UTF8問題
- 24. 通過PHP問題的SSH備份
- 25. 自動備份tomcat的問題
- 26. 如何從github備份問題/門票?
- 27. Alfresco:備份和還原問題
- 28. cakephp中的數據庫備份問題
- 29. 備份軟件解決方案問題
- 30. 如何從Bitbucket備份問題列表?
第3步是錯誤的,一旦你做出一個新的關卡,你不需要舊的日誌文件。重新閱讀文檔。另外,根據理由,您可以跳過第1步和第2步,如果您不想創建新的檢查點,只需備份當前的日誌文件即可。 – cmcginty 2012-11-15 23:53:02
對於單個用戶在備份運行時不打算提交任何內容的簡單安裝,是否有任何問題停止服務器(例如,p4 admin stop),複製數據庫和軟件倉庫文件以及重新啓動服務器? – Joe 2014-06-21 16:42:03