2017-04-12 253 views





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       <div class="services-post services-single-post"> 
        <div class="single-post-title"> 
         <h2> Music Production </h2> 

        <div class="single-post-image"> 
         <img src="img/music.jpg" alt="Post Title"> 

        <div class="single-post-info"> 

        <div class="single-post-content"> 
         <p>We also offer music production. We have been making music for over 10 years using industry standard software and equipment. If you are looking for the best you've come to the right place. </p> 
        <a href="services-post.html" class="btn">Read more</a> 

      <div class="col-sm-6"> 
       <div class="services-post services-single-post"> 
        <div class="single-post-title"> 
         <h2>Graphic design</h2> 

        <div class="single-post-image"> 
         <img src="img/s4.jpg" alt="Post Title"> 

        <div class="single-post-info"> 

        <div class="single-post-content"> 
          Graphic design solutions</p> 
        <a href="services-post.html" class="btn">Read more</a> 


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的可能的複製[在自舉高度相等的列3](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28484089/equal-height-columns-in-bootstrap-3) – APAD1



您可以使用bootstrap 4開箱即用,因爲它集成了flexbox,但您也可以使用它自舉3。

我添加了一個名爲.equal-height到將有你想等寬列的行類,並添加.equal-height { display: flex; }然後加入height: 100%.services-post讓邊框將延伸到塔的底部。

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<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/> 
<div class="container-fluid"> 
    <div class="row equal-height"> 
    <div class="col-sm-6"> 
     <div class="services-post services-single-post"> 
     <div class="single-post-title"> 
      <h2> Music Production </h2> 

     <div class="single-post-image"> 
      <img src="img/music.jpg" alt="Post Title"> 

     <div class="single-post-info"> 

     <div class="single-post-content"> 
      <p>We also offer music production. We have been making music for over 10 years using industry standard software and equipment. If you are looking for the best you've come to the right place. </p> 
      <a href="services-post.html" class="btn">Read more</a> 

    <div class="col-sm-6"> 
     <div class="services-post services-single-post"> 
     <div class="single-post-title"> 
      <h2>Graphic design</h2> 

     <div class="single-post-image"> 
      <img src="img/s4.jpg" alt="Post Title"> 

     <div class="single-post-info"> 

     <div class="single-post-content"> 
      Graphic design solutions</p> 
      <a href="services-post.html" class="btn">Read more</a> 


您好,你的答案完美的工作,但它不會很好地在IE中定位列。請你幫助我 –



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是我有 –



    min-height: 20px; 