如何檢查使用.NET Framework密碼(作爲string
enum PasswordScore
Blank = 0,
VeryWeak = 1,
Weak = 2,
Medium = 3,
Strong = 4,
VeryStrong = 5
public class PasswordAdvisor
public static PasswordScore CheckStrength(string password)
int score = 1;
if (password.Length < 1)
return PasswordScore.Blank;
if (password.Length < 4)
return PasswordScore.VeryWeak;
if (password.Length >= 8)
if (password.Length >= 12)
if (Regex.Match(password, @"/\d+/", RegexOptions.ECMAScript))
if (Regex.Match(password, @"/[a-z]/", RegexOptions.ECMAScript) &&
Regex.Match(password, @"/[A-Z]/", RegexOptions.ECMAScript))
if (Regex.Match(password, @"/.[!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~,-,£,(,)]/", RegexOptions.ECMAScript))
return (PasswordScore)score;
'password123'是一箇中等密碼?當你在0而不是1,更好地利用類似https://github.com/dropbox/zxcvbn – Tieme 2016-02-13 00:12:32
var getStrength = function (passwd) {
intScore = 0;
intScore = (intScore + passwd.length);
if (passwd.match(/[a-z]/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 1);
if (passwd.match(/[A-Z]/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 5);
if (passwd.match(/\d+/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 5);
if (passwd.match(/(\d.*\d)/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 5);
if (passwd.match(/[!,@#$%^&*?_~]/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 5);
if (passwd.match(/([!,@#$%^&*?_~].*[!,@#$%^&*?_~])/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 5);
if (passwd.match(/[a-z]/) && passwd.match(/[A-Z]/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 2);
if (passwd.match(/\d/) && passwd.match(/\D/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 2);
if (passwd.match(/[a-z]/) && passwd.match(/[A-Z]/) && passwd.match(/\d/) && passwd.match(/[!,@#$%^&*?_~]/)) {
intScore = (intScore + 2);
return intScore;
public enum PasswordScore
Blank = 0,
TooShort = 1,
RequirementsNotMet = 2,
VeryWeak = 3,
Weak = 4,
Fair = 5,
Medium = 6,
Strong = 7,
VeryStrong = 8
public static PasswordScore CheckStrength(string password)
int score = 0;
// using three requirements here: min length and two types of characters (numbers and letters)
bool blnMinLengthRequirementMet = false;
bool blnRequirement1Met = false;
bool blnRequirement2Met = false;
// check for chars in password
if (password.Length < 1)
return PasswordScore.Blank;
// if less than 6 chars, return as too short, else, plus one
if (password.Length < 6)
return PasswordScore.TooShort;
blnMinLengthRequirementMet = true;
// if 8 or more chars, plus one
if (password.Length >= 8)
// if 10 or more chars, plus one
if (password.Length >= 10)
// if password has a number, plus one
if (Regex.IsMatch(password, @"[\d]", RegexOptions.ECMAScript))
blnRequirement1Met = true;
// if password has lower case letter, plus one
if (Regex.IsMatch(password, @"[a-z]", RegexOptions.ECMAScript))
blnRequirement2Met = true;
// if password has upper case letter, plus one
if (Regex.IsMatch(password, @"[A-Z]", RegexOptions.ECMAScript))
blnRequirement2Met = true;
// if password has a special character, plus one
if (Regex.IsMatch(password, @"[~`[email protected]#$%\^\&\*\(\)\-_\+=\[\{\]\}\|\\;:'\""<\,>\.\?\/£]", RegexOptions.ECMAScript))
// if password is longer than 2 characters and has 3 repeating characters, minus one (to minimum of score of 3)
List<char> lstPass = password.ToList();
if (lstPass.Count >= 3)
for (int i = 2; i < lstPass.Count; i++)
char charCurrent = lstPass[i];
if (charCurrent == lstPass[i - 1] && charCurrent == lstPass[i - 2] && score >= 4)
if (!blnMinLengthRequirementMet || !blnRequirement1Met || !blnRequirement2Met)
return PasswordScore.RequirementsNotMet;
return (PasswordScore)score;
/// <summary>
/// Evaluates a password
/// </summary>
public class PasswordEvaluator
public string Password { get; private set; }
public int Length { get; private set; }
public int TotalNumberChars { get; private set; }
public bool ContainsNumberChars{get { return TotalNumberChars > 0; }}
public int TotalUppercaseChars { get; private set; }
public bool ContainsUppercaseChars { get { return TotalUppercaseChars > 0; } }
public int TotalLowercaseChars { get; private set; }
public bool ContainsLowercaseChars { get { return TotalLowercaseChars > 0; } }
public int TotalSpecialChars { get; private set; }
public bool ContainsSpecialChars { get { return TotalSpecialChars > 0; } }
public PasswordEvaluator(string password)
Password = password.Trim();
Length = Password.Length;
foreach (var c in Password)
var charCode = (int)c;
if (charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57) TotalNumberChars++;
else if (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90) TotalUppercaseChars++;
else if (charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122) TotalLowercaseChars++;
else TotalSpecialChars++;
public bool StrongEnough()
// Minimum length requirement
if (Length < Settings.PasswordMinLength) return false;
// Mixed case requirement
if (!ContainsLowercaseChars && !ContainsUppercaseChars) return false;
// Special chars requirement
if (TotalSpecialChars < 3) return false;
// Min lower case chars requirement
if (TotalLowercaseChars < 3) return false;
// Min upper case chars requirement
if (TotalUppercaseChars < 3) return false;
return true;
這是遠遠優於許多其他的答案,或者至少從東西這種實現衍生開始得分好一點。期望的是獲得一個對象,記錄有關密碼的有用信息,從中可以做出明智的決定。雖然在這種情況下這並不重要(甚至不是瓶頸),但這種方式的性能也大大提高。我看到上面的正則表達式實現,通過重新運行正則表達式來重複測試某個特定情況的字母是否存在!更好的辦法是獲取一次信息:是否有大寫字母等等。還可以添加其他檢查: – 2017-10-18 22:59:06
如:'passwd.match(/(\ d。* \ d)/)' - 我認爲這是從上面的答案之一是問:一個數字或更多是否出現,然後是另一個數字(然而,這個正則表達式實際上可能會匹配兩行數字,您可以使用!重寫!)。在這個C#的情況下,人們可以不用正則表達式來計算出這種情況,記錄:大小寫不止一次出現不是大寫,而是小寫和數字相同。無論如何,這是最好的方法,你有一個記錄來作出決定。 – 2017-10-18 23:02:50
public enum PasswordScore
public static PasswordScore CheckPasswordStrength(string password)
int N = 0;
int L = password.Length;
if (L == 0)
return PasswordScore.Blank;
if (Regex.IsMatch(password, @"[\d]", RegexOptions.ECMAScript))
N += 10;
if (Regex.IsMatch(password, @"[a-z]", RegexOptions.ECMAScript))
N += 26;
if (Regex.IsMatch(password, @"[A-Z]", RegexOptions.ECMAScript))
N += 26;
if (Regex.IsMatch(password, @"[~`[email protected]#$%\^\&\*\(\)\-_\+=\[\{\]\}\|\\;:'\""<\,>\.\?\/£]", RegexOptions.ECMAScript) && password.Length > 8)
N += 33;
int H = Convert.ToInt32(L * (Math.Round(Math.Log(N)/Math.Log(2))));
if (H <= 32) return PasswordScore.VeryWeak;
if (H <= 48) return PasswordScore.Weak;
if (H <= 64) return PasswordScore.Medium;
if (H <= 80) return PasswordScore.Strong;
return PasswordScore.VeryStrong;
var passWord = $("#textBox").val();
var passLength = passWord.length;
var specialFlag = 0;
var numberFlag = 0;
var numberGenerator = 0;
var total = 0;
if(/^[a-zA-Z0-9- ]*$/.test(passWord) == false) {
specialFlag =20;
if(passWord.match(/[0-9]/)) {
numberFlag = 25;
numberGenerator =25;
}else if(passLength>=7&&passLength<=9){
numberGenerator =35;
}else if(passLength>9){
numberGenerator =55;
}else if(passLength>0&&passLength<=4){
numberGenerator =15;
numberGenerator =0;
total = numberGenerator + specialFlag + numberFlag;
}else if(total<60&&total>=30){
}else if(total>=60&&total<90){
}else if(total>=90){
// Only accurate for passwords in ASCII.
public double CalculateEntropy(string password)
var cardinality = 0;
// Password contains lowercase letters.
if (password.Any(c => char.IsLower(c)))
cardinality = 26;
// Password contains uppercase letters.
if (password.Any(c => char.IsUpper(c)))
cardinality += 26;
// Password contains numbers.
if (password.Any(c => char.IsDigit(c)))
cardinality += 10;
// Password contains symbols.
if (password.IndexOfAny("\\|¬¦`!\"£$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:'@#~<>,./? ".ToCharArray()) >= 0)
cardinality += 36;
return Math.Log(cardinality, 2) * password.Length;
- 1. 密碼強度檢查
- 2. 檢查密碼強度
- 3. 密碼強度檢查器
- 4. 檢查密碼的強度
- 5. ExtJs密碼強度檢查程序
- 6. Python tkinter密碼強度檢查gui
- 7. 密碼強度檢查器在android中
- 8. jQuery密碼強度檢查器
- 9. 密碼強度檢查蟒蛇
- 10. 密碼強度計指南(密碼檢查器)設計
- 11. 如何只在最少字符後檢查密碼強度?
- 12. 密碼強度
- 13. 如何檢查密碼長度在sql
- 14. 角度js ng-keyup不能用於密碼強度檢查
- 15. 密碼強度JavaScript
- 16. 密碼強度JQuery
- 17. 密碼強度計
- 18. sql:如何測試密碼強度
- 19. 指令,檢查密碼強度和確認匹配
- 20. 使用GWT RequestBuilder與Google檢查密碼強度
- 21. 安卓密碼強度檢查器與seekbar
- 22. 使用自定義驗證程序檢查密碼強度
- 23. 一個算法檢查密碼的強度在c/c + +
- 24. 那麼創建儀表來檢查密碼強度在PHP?
- 25. jQuery表單驗證與密碼強度檢查
- 26. C++中的密碼強度
- 27. 測試Plone密碼強度
- 28. 密碼強度驗證
- 29. jquery密碼強度腳本
- 30. 密碼強度測量儀
你已經找到了那些生產一致性和可比較的結果? – 2011-05-27 12:36:17
你的實力標準是什麼?你能更清楚地知道你想要測試什麼嗎? – 2014-09-29 12:49:01
我的標準是熵 - 沒有答案滿足那個。根據[加密上的這個問題](https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/374/how-should-i-calculate-the-entropy-of-a-password)香農是理論上的解決方案。在實踐中,你還必須從字典/維基百科/技術語言中消除所有內容。 – mbx 2017-06-09 09:40:08