2012-12-19 87 views

我的問題類似於Full Screen DialogFragment in Android,但是這個問題並沒有完全解決我的問題。Android DialogFragment自動調整大小


DialogFragmentonCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)

// Display the first screen 
    m_rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_popup, container, false); 

    // Readjust the size of the dialog fragment if it is too large for the display 
    Globals.AdjustSizeOfDialogFragment(getActivity(), container); 


// Adjusts the size of a dialog fragment's popup view to ensure that it fits within the display of the current device 
public static void AdjustSizeOfDialogFragment(final Activity parentActivity, final View popupRoot) 
    // If all of our function parameters are valid 
    if ((parentActivity != null) && (popupRoot != null)) 
     // If the dialog's root view has already rendered (has defined layout parameters) 
     if (popupRoot.getLayoutParams() != null) 
      // Resize the dialog now 
      ResizeDialogFragment(parentActivity, popupRoot); 
     // Else the view has not finished rendering yet 
      // Assign a listener to notify us when it has finished rendering 
      popupRoot.addOnLayoutChangeListener(new OnLayoutChangeListener() 
       public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) 
        // Remove the layout listener 

        // Now we can render the dialog 
        ResizeDialogFragment(parentActivity, popupRoot); 

// Does the actual logic/math behind the AdjustSizeOfDialogFragment function 
private static void ResizeDialogFragment(Activity parentActivity, View popupRoot) 
    // Retrieves information about the display of the current device 
    DisplayMetrics    deviceDisplayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); 
    // Layout parameters that need to be applied to the popup's root view 
    LinearLayout.LayoutParams llParams    = null; 
    FrameLayout.LayoutParams flParams    = null; 

    // If all of our function parameters are valid 
    if ((parentActivity != null) && (popupRoot != null) && (popupRoot.getLayoutParams() != null)) 
     // Retrieve the layout parameters from the popup's root view and also get information on the current device's display 
     if (popupRoot.getLayoutParams() instanceof LinearLayout.LayoutParams) 
      llParams = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) popupRoot.getLayoutParams(); 
     else if (popupRoot.getLayoutParams() instanceof FrameLayout.LayoutParams) 
      flParams = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) popupRoot.getLayoutParams(); 

     // If either the height or width of the popup view is greater then the height or width 
     // of the current display, clip them to approximately 90% of the display's width/height. 
     if (llParams != null) 
      if (llParams.width > deviceDisplayMetrics.widthPixels) 
       llParams.width = (int) (deviceDisplayMetrics.widthPixels * 0.9); 
      if (llParams.height > deviceDisplayMetrics.heightPixels) 
       llParams.height = (int) (deviceDisplayMetrics.heightPixels * 0.9); 
     else if (flParams != null) 
      if (flParams.width > deviceDisplayMetrics.widthPixels) 
       flParams.width = (int) (deviceDisplayMetrics.widthPixels * 0.9); 
      if (flParams.height > deviceDisplayMetrics.heightPixels) 
       flParams.height = (int) (deviceDisplayMetrics.heightPixels * 0.9); 

