在這裏發現了2個線程在Stackoverflow,這些是關於如何返回一個數組。我可以在函數內部生成一個數組,並且它具有正確的內容,但是當在函數外執行$ target_file的var_dumping時,它是NULL。否則,代碼正在做它應該做的事情。 它是一個範圍的東西?或者......我在這裏做了完全錯誤的事情嗎? 任何人都可以請幫助我訪問函數外的返回數組?訪問數組外部函數
function copy_files3($requested, $src_path, $send_path){
//function copy_files renames and copies pdf-files to a specific folder.
//ARRAY $requested (keys INT), (names STR) holds the names of the selected files
//STR $src_path is the full path to the requested files
//STR $send_path is the full path to the re-named files
//ARRAY $target_file holds the names of the renamed files
$target_file = array();
$src_filename = array();
foreach($requested as $value) {
//$value holds the names of the selected files.
//1 Expand to get the full path to the source file
//2 Generate a 10 char + .pdf (aka 14 char) long new file name for the file.
//3 Generate full path to the new file.
$src_filename[$i] = $src_path.$value;
$rnam[$i] = randomstring(); //function randomstring returns a 10 char long random string
$target_file[$i] = $send_path.$rnam[$i].'.pdf';
echo 'target_file['.$i.'] = '.$target_file[$i].'<br>';
我有文件重命名並放在我的服務器上正確的文件夾,唯一的問題是訪問此功能後的$ target_file數組。
請出示你哪裏調用函數的代碼,並嘗試使用返回值 – Steve