2010-07-15 69 views

我正在嘗試編寫一個腳本來跟隨twitter上的人。 tweepy API看起來不錯,但我遇到了一些與從用戶的ID到他們的屏幕名稱映射有關的不直觀的行爲。Tweepy API:如何從狀態SearchResult對象獲取用戶的ID?

In [1]: import tweepy 
In [2]: api = tweepy.API() 

# get an arbitrary tweet 
In [3]: tweet = api.search("anything")[0] 

In [5]: tweet.text 
Out[5]: 'Currently mourning the [potential] loss of around 500 pictures I took while in Oklahoma. Anyone know anything about Canon Rebels?' 

# who tweeted it? 
In [6]: tweet.from_user 
Out[6]: 'helloregan' 

# get the tweeters id 
In [7]: tweet.from_user_id 
Out[7]: 101962792 

# i'm paranoid. just want to make sure its right. 
In [8]: helloregan = api.get_user(user_id=tweet.from_user_id)   

# yep, same id. 
In [9]: helloregan.id 
Out[9]: 101962792 

# lets check to see if its the same screen name? no. different person. 
In [10]: helloregan.screen_name 
Out[10]: 'kikiiputh' 


