我試圖讓我的程序打印出在文本文件中找到的最短和最長的單詞。假設我輸入「Pie is delicious」作爲我的文本塊。然後我自己在一行上鍵入EOF以結束輸入階段。我在選項1中輸入以查看最短的單詞並彈出「is」,但我只將字母「p」作爲輸出。對於第二種選擇,我得到了同樣的結果,即找到最長的單詞,當它應該是「美味」時,我最終得到字母「p」。順便說一下,我正在使用min和max函數來完成此操作。Python:如何在文本文件中打印最短和最長的單詞?
#Prompt the user to enter a block of text.
done = False
textInput = ""
while(done == False):
nextInput= input()
if nextInput== "EOF":
textInput += nextInput
#Prompt the user to select an option from the Text Analyzer Menu.
print("Welcome to the Text Analyzer Menu! Select an option by typing a number"
"\n1. shortest word"
"\n2. longest word"
"\n3. most common word"
"\n4. left-column secret message!"
"\n5. fifth-words secret message!"
"\n6. word count"
"\n7. quit")
#Set option to 0.
option = 0
#Use the 'while' to keep looping until the user types in Option 7.
while option !=7:
option = int(input())
#Print out the shortest word found in the text.
if option == 1:
print(min(textInput, key = len))
#Print out the longest word found in the text.
elif option == 2:
print(max(textInput, key = len))
哇...這就是它?非常感謝! – user2581724