2013-07-02 59 views

我試圖實現C++14別名模板make_integer_sequence,這簡化了創建類模板integer_sequence執行C++ 14 make_integer_sequence

template< class T, T... I> struct integer_sequence 
    typedef T value_type; 
    static constexpr size_t size() noexcept { return sizeof...(I) ; } 


template< class T, T N> 
using make_integer_sequence = integer_sequence< T, 0,1,2, ... ,N-1 >; // only for illustration. 


template< class T , class N > 
using make_integer_sequence = typename make_helper<T,N>::type; 

實現make_helper不是太困難。與RAM 8GBs

int main() 
    #define GEN(z,n,temp) \ 
    typedef make_integer_sequence< int, n > BOOST_PP_CAT(int_seq,n) ; 

    BOOST_PP_REPEAT(256, GEN, ~); 

我用GCC 4.8.0編譯的程序,四核i5系統上:

template< class T, T N, T... I > 
struct make_helper 
    typedef typename mpl::if_< T(0) == N, 
        mpl::identity< integer_sequence<T,I...> >, 
        make_helper< T, N-1, N-1,I...> 

爲了測試make_integer_sequence我做了這個主要功能。 成功編譯花費了4秒鐘。


int main() { 

#define GEN(z,n,temp) \ 
typedef make_integer_sequence< int, n * 4 > BOOST_PP_CAT(int_seq, n) ; 



virtual memory exhausted.




int main() 
    typedef make_integer_sequence< int, 4096 > int_seq4096; 

我然後成功地與GCC 4.8.0 -ftemplate深入= 65536編譯。


int main() 
    typedef make_integer_sequence< int, 16384 > int_seq16384; 

沒有與GCC 4.8.0 -ftemplate深度= 65536編譯,並導致錯誤:

virtual memory exhausted.


Regards, Khurshid。


在由STLavavej談話,我想我聽說微軟編譯器有一個鉤來產生'make_integer_sequence'自動在O(基本?)( 1)。具有諷刺意味的是,對於編譯器自己生成的東西來說,實現這一點非常有效。 – alfC




// using aliases for cleaner syntax 
template<class T> using Invoke = typename T::type; 

template<unsigned...> struct seq{ using type = seq; }; 

template<class S1, class S2> struct concat; 

template<unsigned... I1, unsigned... I2> 
struct concat<seq<I1...>, seq<I2...>> 
    : seq<I1..., (sizeof...(I1)+I2)...>{}; 

template<class S1, class S2> 
using Concat = Invoke<concat<S1, S2>>; 

template<unsigned N> struct gen_seq; 
template<unsigned N> using GenSeq = Invoke<gen_seq<N>>; 

template<unsigned N> 
struct gen_seq : Concat<GenSeq<N/2>, GenSeq<N - N/2>>{}; 

template<> struct gen_seq<0> : seq<>{}; 
template<> struct gen_seq<1> : seq<0>{}; 

非常好!我只想確定實例的深度是'O(log N)'(操作次數是'O(N)')。無論如何,這是一個非常快速的實現。 –


應該真的叫做'Concat'嗎? – Yakk


對於一般情況(不僅對於無符號的,對於一般類型T),不能用N = 0和N = 1進行專門化。 編譯器顯示以下錯誤: 錯誤:非類型模板參數取決於部分特化的模板參數。 – Khurshid



typedef typename mpl::if_< T(0) == N, 
       mpl::identity< integer_sequence<T> >, 
       make_helper< T, N, N-1,I...> 

typedef typename mpl::if_< T(0) == N, 
       mpl::identity< integer_sequence<T> >, 
       make_helper< T, N-1, N-1,I...> 

接下來,第一個分支不應該是integer_sequence<T>,而是integer_sequence<T, I...>

typedef typename mpl::if_< T(0) == N, 
       mpl::identity< integer_sequence<T, I...> >, 
       make_helper< T, N-1, N-1,I...> 



通常,拉動對數深度就足夠了,因爲深度爲900,這允許尺寸爲2^900的結構,並且其他東西首先被破壞。 (公平地說,更可能發生的是90個不同層次的2^10大小的結構)。


我發現非常快速且不必要的make_index_sequence執行深遞歸版本。在我的電腦中編譯N = 1 048 576,時間爲2秒。 (PC:Centos 6.4 x86,i5,8 Gb RAM,gcc-4.4.7 -std = C++ 0x -O2 -Wall)。

#include <cstddef> // for std::size_t 

template< std::size_t ... i > 
struct index_sequence 
    typedef std::size_t value_type; 

    typedef index_sequence<i...> type; 

    // gcc-4.4.7 doesn't support `constexpr` and `noexcept`. 
    static /*constexpr*/ std::size_t size() /*noexcept*/ 
     return sizeof ... (i); 

// this structure doubles index_sequence elements. 
// s- is number of template arguments in IS. 
template< std::size_t s, typename IS > 
struct doubled_index_sequence; 

template< std::size_t s, std::size_t ... i > 
struct doubled_index_sequence< s, index_sequence<i... > > 
    typedef index_sequence<i..., (s + i)... > type; 

// this structure incremented by one index_sequence, iff NEED-is true, 
// otherwise returns IS 
template< bool NEED, typename IS > 
struct inc_index_sequence; 

template< typename IS > 
struct inc_index_sequence<false,IS>{ typedef IS type; }; 

template< std::size_t ... i > 
struct inc_index_sequence< true, index_sequence<i...> > 
    typedef index_sequence<i..., sizeof...(i)> type; 

// helper structure for make_index_sequence. 
template< std::size_t N > 
struct make_index_sequence_impl : 
      inc_index_sequence< (N % 2 != 0), 
       typename doubled_index_sequence< N/2, 
          typename make_index_sequence_impl< N/2> ::type 

// helper structure needs specialization only with 0 element. 
template<>struct make_index_sequence_impl<0>{ typedef index_sequence<> type; }; 

// OUR make_index_sequence, gcc-4.4.7 doesn't support `using`, 
// so we use struct instead of it. 
template< std::size_t N > 
struct make_index_sequence : make_index_sequence_impl<N>::type {}; 

//index_sequence_for any variadic templates 
template< typename ... T > 
struct index_sequence_for : make_index_sequence< sizeof...(T) >{}; 

// test 
typedef make_index_sequence< 1024 * 1024 >::type a_big_index_sequence; 
int main(){} 


template <typename T, T... ints> 
struct integer_sequence 
{ }; 

template <typename T, T N, typename = void> 
struct make_integer_sequence_impl 
    template <typename> 
    struct tmp; 

    template <T... Prev> 
    struct tmp<integer_sequence<T, Prev...>> 
     using type = integer_sequence<T, Prev..., N-1>; 

    using type = typename tmp<typename make_integer_sequence_impl<T, N-1>::type>::type; 

template <typename T, T N> 
struct make_integer_sequence_impl<T, N, typename std::enable_if<N==0>::type> 
{ using type = integer_sequence<T>; }; 

template <typename T, T N> 
using make_integer_sequence = typename make_integer_sequence_impl<T, N>::type; 

這基本上是我周圍的黑客XEO的解決方案:讓社區維基 - 如果激賞,請給予好評XEO

...只是修改,直到我覺得它不能得到任何簡單,重命名,並添加value_typesize()%的標準(但只能做index_sequenceinteger_sequence),並用GCC 5.2 -std=c++14工作的代碼可能下運行,否則不變舊的/其他編譯器我堅持。可以節省一些時間/困惑。

// based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/17426611/410767 by Xeo 
namespace std // WARNING: at own risk, otherwise use own namespace 
    template <size_t... Ints> 
    struct index_sequence 
     using type = index_sequence; 
     using value_type = size_t; 
     static constexpr std::size_t size() noexcept { return sizeof...(Ints); } 

    // -------------------------------------------------------------- 

    template <class Sequence1, class Sequence2> 
    struct _merge_and_renumber; 

    template <size_t... I1, size_t... I2> 
    struct _merge_and_renumber<index_sequence<I1...>, index_sequence<I2...>> 
     : index_sequence<I1..., (sizeof...(I1)+I2)...> 
    { }; 

    // -------------------------------------------------------------- 

    template <size_t N> 
    struct make_index_sequence 
     : _merge_and_renumber<typename make_index_sequence<N/2>::type, 
          typename make_index_sequence<N - N/2>::type> 
    { }; 

    template<> struct make_index_sequence<0> : index_sequence<> { }; 
    template<> struct make_index_sequence<1> : index_sequence<0> { }; 


  • 的XEO解決方案的「魔力」是在_merge_and_renumberconcat在他的代碼)的聲明正好用兩個參數,而specilisation有效地暴露了他們的個人參數包

  • typename ... ::type在...

    struct make_index_sequence 
        : _merge_and_renumber<typename make_index_sequence<N/2>::type, 
             typename make_index_sequence<N - N/2>::type> 


invalid use of incomplete type 'struct std::_merge_and_renumber<std::make_index_sequence<1ul>, std::index_sequence<0ul> >' 

爲什麼'index_sequence'而不是'integer_sequence'? – einpoklum


@einpoklum:因爲'integer_sequence'有義務將數據類型作爲模板參數,而我已經對'size_t'進行了硬編碼,這在當時非常適合我...... –


@einpoklum添加一些細節以Tony的迴應:你不能部分專注於模板類型的模板參數。你不能用這種方法實現integer_sequence。你可以做的最好的辦法是獲得integer_sequence,但是對於每個整數類型都是完全專門化的。 (每個整數類型的此代碼長度) – David