2016-09-13 87 views


from multiprocessing import Process 

class SettingsApp(App): 
    """ Short not working version of the actual programm 
    def build(self): 
     """Some kivy specific settings""" 
     return Interface 

"""This part does not work as expected. It is run by pushing a button. However, The function does hang until the Process has finished (or has been killed).""" 

    def run_worker(self): 
     """The pHBot application is started as a second process. Otherwise kivy would be blocked until the function stops 
     (which is controlled by the close button) 
     # get the arguments in appropriate form 
     args = self.get_stored_settings() 

     # Initiate the class which should be run by a separate process 
     bot = pHBot(*args) 

     # the control method runs some devices, listens to sensors etc. 
     phbot = Process(target=bot.ph_control(), args=(bot,)) 

     # start the process 

     # This statement is executed only after phbot has stopped. 

要看,確實我們需要一個工作的例子。 –


'ph_control'是否返回一個函數?因爲在創建Process對象之前調用它(很可能你不需要'args'中的'bot'參數,因爲它是一個綁定方法)。另一個問題是pHBot在另一個過程中的運行是否符合您的期望。導致這種行爲的另一個常見問題是不刷新輸出('sys.stdout.flush()'),但我不認爲這次是這樣。 –




def worker(self): 
     The pHBot application is started as a second process. Otherwise kivy would be blocked until the function stops 
     (which is controlled by the close button) 
     # initiate the process 
     args = self.get_stored_settings() 
     bot = pHBot(*args) 

    def run_worker(self): 
     """The function is called upon button press 
     # start the process, is 
     pass # not sure if that is necessary