2012-11-15 71 views

這裏我正在嘗試讀取SharePoint的列表。爲此,我完成了以下操作: 我已經下載了從URL中獲得的WSDL文件,例如:sharepointsite.com/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx?WSDL。 我執行了以下命令來生成目錄 「C:\ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_12 \ bin \ wsimport.exe」中的類-p com.microsoft.schemas.sharepoint.soap -keep - 擴展名爲Lists.wsdl。 在我的eclipse IDE java應用程序中導入這些類。無法使用java讀取SharePoint列表


/*創建連接到給定的在SharePoint Web服務的端口。

* Authentication is done here. It also prints the authentication details 

* in the console. 

* @param userName SharePoint username 

* @param password SharePoint password 

* @return port ListsSoap port, connected with SharePoint 

* @throws Exception in case of invalid parameters or connection error. 


public static ListsSoap sharePointListsAuth(String userName, String password) throws Exception { 

    ListsSoap port = null; 

    if (userName != null && password != null) { 

     try { 

      Lists service = new Lists(); 

      port = service.getListsSoap(); 

      System.out.println("Web Service Auth Username: " + userName); 

      ((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, userName); 

      ((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, password); 

     } catch (Exception e) { 

      throw new Exception("Error: " + e.toString()); 


    } else { 

     throw new Exception("Couldn't authenticate: Invalid connection details given."); 


    return port; 


* Creates a string from an XML file with start and end indicators 

* @param docToString document to convert 

* @return string of the xml document 


public static String xmlToString(Document docToString) { 

    String returnString = "\n-------------- XML START --------------\n"; 

    try { 

     //create string from xml tree 

     //Output the XML 

     //set up a transformer 

     TransformerFactory transfac = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); 

     Transformer trans; 

     trans = transfac.newTransformer(); 

     trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); 

     trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); 

     StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); 

     StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(sw); 

     DOMSource source = new DOMSource(docToString); 

     trans.transform(source, streamResult); 

     String xmlString = sw.toString(); 

     //print the XML 

     returnString = returnString + xmlString; 

    } catch (TransformerException ex) { 

     Logger.getLogger(Manager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 


    returnString = returnString + "-------------- XML END --------------"; 

    return returnString; 

* Connects to a SharePoint Lists Web Service through the given open port, 
* and reads all the elements of the given list. Only the ID and the given 
* attributes (column names) are displayed, as well as a dump of the SOAP 
* response from the Web Service (for debugging purposes). 
* @param port an already authentificated SharePoint Online SOAP port 
* @param listName original name of the Sharepoint list that is going to be read 
* @param listColumnNames arraylist containing the various names of the Columns 
* of the SharePoint list that are going to be read. If the column name isn't 
* found, then an exception will be thrown 
* @param rowLimit limits the number of rows (list items) that are going to 
* be returned 
* @throws Exception 

public static void displaySharePointList(ListsSoap port, String listName, ArrayList<String> listColumnNames, String rowLimit) throws Exception { 

    if (port != null && listName != null && listColumnNames != null && rowLimit != null) { 

     try { 

      //Here are additional parameters that may be set 

      String viewName = ""; 

      GetListItems.ViewFields viewFields = null; 

      GetListItems.Query query = null; 

      GetListItems.QueryOptions queryOptions = null; 

      String webID = ""; 

      //Calling the List Web Service 

      GetListItemsResponse.GetListItemsResult result = port.getListItems(listName, viewName, query, viewFields, rowLimit, queryOptions, webID); 

      Object listResult = result.getContent().get(0); 

      if ((listResult != null) && (listResult instanceof ElementNSImpl)) { 

       ElementNSImpl node = (ElementNSImpl) listResult; 

       //Dumps the retrieved info in the console 

       Document document = node.getOwnerDocument(); 

       System.out.println("SharePoint Online Lists Web Service Response:" + Manager.xmlToString(document)); 

       //selects a list of nodes which have z:row elements 

       NodeList list = node.getElementsByTagName("z:row"); 

       System.out.println("=> " + list.getLength() + " results from SharePoint Online"); 

       //Displaying every result received from SharePoint, with its ID 

       for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { 

        //Gets the attributes of the current row/element 

        NamedNodeMap attributes = list.item(i).getAttributes(); 

        System.out.println("******** Item ID: " + attributes.getNamedItem("ows_ID").getNodeValue()+" ********"); 

        //Displays all the attributes of the list item that correspond to the column names given 

        for (String columnName : listColumnNames) { 

         String internalColumnName = "ows_" + columnName; 

         if (attributes.getNamedItem(internalColumnName) != null) { 

          System.out.println(columnName + ": " + attributes.getNamedItem(internalColumnName).getNodeValue()); 

         } else { 

          throw new Exception("Couldn't find the '" + columnName + "' column in the '" + listName + "' list in SharePoint.\n"); 




      } else { 

       throw new Exception(listName + " list response from SharePoint is either null or corrupt\n"); 


     } catch (Exception ex) { 

      throw new Exception("Exception. See stacktrace." + ex.toString() + "\n"); 


public static void main(String[] args) { 

     try { 

      //Authentication parameters 

      String userName = "domain\\username"; 

      String password = "pass"; 

      //Opening the SOAP port of the Lists Web Service 

      ListsSoap port = Manager.sharePointListsAuth(userName, password); 


      * Lists Web service parameters 

      * The list names below must be the *original* names of the list. 

      * if a list or column was renamed from SharePoint afterwards, 

      * these parameters don't change. 


      String listName = "listname"; 

      String rowLimit = "2"; 

      ArrayList<String> listColumnNames = new ArrayList<String>(); 



      //Displays the lists items in the console 

      Manager.displaySharePointList(port, listName, listColumnNames, rowLimit); 

     } catch (Exception ex) { 





Web服務驗證用戶名: 「域\用戶名」 java.lang.Exception的:異常。請參閱stacktrace.javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException:拋出了類型爲「Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException」的異常。

It would be helpfull if i get the specific exception from the server.With this expection i am unable to track my pgm. 
    I dont know where did i go wrong? am i missing anything ? any configuration is required ? 

    Thanks in advance for your help 




new BasicAuthentication(userName,password).authenticate(); 


import java.net.Authenticator; 
import java.net.PasswordAuthentication; 

public class BasicAuthentication extends Authenticator 
    private String username; 
    private String password; 

    public BasicAuthentication(String username, String password) 
     this.username = username; 
     this.password = password; 

    public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() 
     return (new PasswordAuthentication(username,password.toCharArray())); 

    public void authenticate() 

仍然沒有得到認證成功,其同樣的錯誤401,需要幫助@Mathieu Colin –


您是否知道您的SharePoint服務器配置的身份驗證類型?如果選擇了Windows身份驗證,則BasicAuth將不起作用,並且如果您可以使用Kerberos,則通常比MS實現之外的NTLM更容易工作。 –