/* this file needs to be included in every user-facing script that serves ads */
/* this will prevent "PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent.." */
/* this will make session cookie worl for both http://www.comehike.com and http://comehike.com
* session cookie lifetime is set to 2 hours
session_set_cookie_params("7200", "/", ".comehike.com");
/* it is better to have session_start here rather then in every page
* session_start needs to be called before any headers sent to not trigger php warning */
global $production;
$production = true;
/*============================== ad pacement utils ===============================*/
* this helper module will simplify ads placement in production and simulate ads in development.
* It will allow to turn of the ads for the user with premium account.
* To use this module:
* in the head, where google site verification needs to be included, add the following
* in the page, where ads needs to be inserted, add the following lines (example):
printGoogleAdPlacement(7425893768, 250, 250, '10/11/10');
function printGoogleSiteVerification(){
global $production;
$str = '';
$str.= '<meta name="google-site-verification" content="RJcu8ObHW6huUbyea336xJ1WgLiC4478fz3_3r_zthc" />'."\n";
$str.= '<meta name="alexaVerifyID" content="-2hEyu8phk6CFHF-PTqdQvP2B8k" />'."\n";
echo $str;
function hasPremium(){
return false;
//this is a sample function to check is user has a premium account.
//in this example alex won't see any ads
return true;
return false;
//ex: printGoogleAdPlacement(7425893768, 728, 90, 10/11/10)
//ex: printGoogleAdPlacement(7425893768, 250, 250, 10/11/10)
//ex: printGoogleAdPlacement(7425893768, 200, 200, 10/11/10)
function printGoogleAdPlacement($google_ad_slot, $width, $height, $created){
global $production;
//user with premium won't see any ads.
//the question is what goes into the slots instead?
if(hasPremium() === true) {return;}
$str = '';
if($production === true){
$str.= '<script type="text/javascript"><!--'."\n";
$str.= 'google_ad_client = "pub-1884332214318974";'."\n";
$str.= '/* '.$width.'x'.$height.', created '.$created.' */'."\n";
$str.= 'google_ad_slot = "'.$google_ad_slot.'";'."\n";
$str.= 'google_ad_width = '.$width.';'."\n";
$str.= 'google_ad_height = '.$height.';'."\n";
$str.= '//-->'."\n";
$str.= '</script>'."\n";
$str.= '<script type="text/javascript"'."\n";
$str.= 'src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js">'."\n";
$str.= '</script>'."\n";
$str .= '<div style="padding:0; height:'.($height+20).'px; width:'.$width.'px;border: 1px solid #888;background:#fff;">'.
'<img src="images/fake_ads/ad_'.$width.'_'.$height.'.png"></img>'.
$str = '<img src="images/fake_ads/ad_'.$width.'_'.$height.'.png"></img>';
$str = '<div style="padding:0; height:'.($height).'px; width:'.$width.'px;background:#fff;">'.
echo $str;
/* =============== end of ad placement utils =================== */
/* ===================== google anaytics ========================*/
function printGoogleAnalytics()
$str = '';
if($production === true)
$str.= '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n";
$str.= '(function() {'."\n";
$str.= ' var ga = document.createElement("script"); ga.type = "text/javascript"; ga.async = true;'."\n";
$str.= ' ga.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://ssl" : "http://www") + ".google-analytics.com/ga.js";'."\n";
$str.= ' var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);'."\n";
$str.= '})();'."\n";
$str.= '</script>'."\n";
echo $str;
/* ===================== end of google anaytics ========================*/
如果我參加了goog analitics碼出global.php的並將它作爲普通html放在標題中,它可以工作,因爲我可以看到訪問者數據。如果我把它放到global.php文件中,它不起作用。
烏爾頁面呈現的時候,看看源代碼,調試 – Ibu 2011-05-28 04:09:12
@Ibu你指的是html源代碼? – Genadinik 2011-05-28 04:09:49
是的html源碼,看看谷歌代碼是否正確加載 – Ibu 2011-05-28 04:11:31