using System;
namespace week5task3 {
class Program {
public static void Main(string[] args)
double PriceEvery1 = 5;
double PriceEvery2 = 4;
double PriceEvery3 = 2.5;
double Quantity = 10;
int UserCounter = 0;
Console.WriteLine("\n\nWidget Price Chart\n\n");
Console.WriteLine("Quantity of Widgets\t\tPrice");
while (UserCounter <= 100) {
double Price1 = PriceEvery1 * Quantity;
double Price2 = PriceEvery2 * Quantity;
double Price3 = PriceEvery3 * Quantity;
if (Quantity <= 50) {
Console.WriteLine("\t{0}\t\t\t{1:C}", Quantity, Price1);
if (Quantity >= 51 && Quantity <= 80) {
Console.WriteLine("\t{0}\t\t\t{1:C}", Quantity, Price2);
if (Quantity >= 81 && Quantity <= 100) {
Console.WriteLine("\t{0}\t\t\t{1:C}", Quantity, Price3);
Quantity += 10;
while (UserCounter >= 0) {
try {
Console.WriteLine("Enter the amount of widgets you would like to purchase or press q to quit");
string temp = Console.ReadLine();
if (temp == "q") break;
if (temp == "Q") break;
int.TryParse(temp, out UserCounter);
double UserPrice;
if (UserCounter <= 50) {
UserPrice = UserCounter * 5;
Console.WriteLine("The price is {0:C}", UserPrice);
if (UserCounter >= 51 && UserCounter <= 80) {
UserPrice = UserCounter * 4;
Console.WriteLine("The price is {0:C}", UserPrice);
if (UserCounter > 80) {
UserPrice = UserCounter * 2.5;
Console.WriteLine("The price is {0:C}", UserPrice);
} catch (Exception) {
Console.WriteLine("You have entered an incorrect value. Please enter a number or press q to quit");
你永遠不會增加'UserCounter'或突破第一個循環,所以它永遠不會結束。 – Cyral
感謝您的迴應!我已經試圖破門而入;並繼續,但都沒有成功...... –
也許你的意思是'while(Quantity <= 100)'?請記住,我不知道你真的想要發生什麼,所以你需要解釋你的應用程序應該做什麼。 – Cyral