2015-05-18 26 views



對於正數和「(00000. ##)」,餘額的十進制格式應該是「00000. ##」。我不知道如何把第二個。

import java.text.DecimalFormat; 
import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 

public class Main { 

    //global variables 
    CheckingAccount c; 
    public double balance; 
    public double totalServiceCharge; 

    public static void main (String[] args) 

     // defines local variables 
     String iBalance, transATM, message, transCode; 

     int tcode; 

     double transatm, ibalance, currentservicecharge, fee = 0; 

     // get initial balance from the user 
     // perform in a loop until the trans code = 0 
     // get the trans code from the user and process it with appropriate helper method 
     // When loop ends show final balance to user. 

     iBalance = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter the initial balance: "); 

     ibalance = Double.parseDouble(iBalance); 

     CheckingAccount c = new CheckingAccount(ibalance); 

     DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#####.00"); 

     transCode = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter the trans code: "); 

     tcode = Integer.parseInt(transCode); 

     if(tcode == 1) 
      transATM = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter the trans atm: "); 

      transatm = Double.parseDouble(transATM); 

      currentservicecharge = 0.15; 

      message = "Transaction: Check in amount of $" + transatm + "\n" + 
         "Current balance: " + c.getBalance() + "\n" + 
         "Service Charge: Check --- charge $ " + currentservicecharge + "\n" + 
         "Service Charge: " + fee + "\n" + 
         "Total Service Charge: " + c.getServiceCharge(); 
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, message + df); 
     else if(tcode == 2) 
      transATM = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter the trans atm: "); 

      transatm = Double.parseDouble(transATM); 

      currentservicecharge = 0.10; 

      message = "Transaction: Deposit in amount of $" + transatm + "\n" + 
         "Current balance: " + c.getBalance() + "\n" + 
         "Service Charge: Check --- charge $ " + currentservicecharge + "\n" + 
         "Service Charge: " + fee + "\n" + 
         "Total Service Charge: " + c.getServiceCharge(); 
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, message + df); 
     while (tcode != 0); 

     message = "Transaction: End" + "\n" + 
       "Current Balance: " + ibalance + "\n" + 
       "Total Service Charge: " + c.getServiceCharge() + "\n" + 
       "Final Balance: " + c.getBalance(); 

     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, message + df); 


     public int getTransCode(int tcode) 
      return tcode; 

     public double getTransAmt(double transatm) 
      return transatm; 

     public double processCheck(double currentservicecharge) 
      return currentservicecharge; 

     public double processDeposit(double currentservicecharge) 
      return currentservicecharge; 

     public double processFee(double fee) 
      return fee; 

      public void setServiceCharge(double currentServiceCharge) 
      totalServiceCharge += currentServiceCharge;    
      public void penatlyCharge(double fee, double currentservicecharge, double transatm, String message, CheckingAccount c) 

      if(c.getBalance() < 500.00) 
       fee = 5.00; 
       currentservicecharge += fee; 
       message = "Service Charge: " + fee + "\n" + 
          "Warning : Balance below $500" ; 
      else if(c.getBalance() < 0.00) 
       fee = 10.00; 
       currentservicecharge += fee; 
       message = "Service Charge: " + fee + "\n" + 
          "Warning : Balance below $0"; 
      else if(c.getBalance() < 50.00) 
       message = "Service Charge: " + fee + "\n" + 
          "Warning : Balance below $50" ; 


public class CheckingAccount { 

    private double balance; 
    private double totalServiceCharge; 

    public CheckingAccount() 
     balance = 0; 
     totalServiceCharge = 0; 

    public CheckingAccount(double ibalance) 
     balance = ibalance; 

    public void setBalance(double transamt, int tcode) 
     if(tcode == 1) 
      double newBalance = balance - transamt; 
      balance = newBalance; 
     else if(tcode == 2) 
      double newBalance = balance + transamt; 
      balance = newBalance; 

    public double getBalance() 
     return balance; 

    public double getServiceCharge() 
      return totalServiceCharge; 





if (amount >= 0.0) { 
} else { 
    showMessageDialog('(' + Math.abs(amount) + ')'); 
