我正在使用WebLogic服務器的Spring Framework MVC應用程序。我正在使用jstl 1.2。我有我創建一個自定義標籤庫JSP自定義標記:無法轉換[B @ 33818e的類[B到類[Ljava.lang.Byte
public class DisplayImageTag extends SimpleTagSupport {
private Collection<Image> images;
private byte[] logo;
private String action;
public void doTag() throws JspException, IOException {
PageContext pc = (PageContext)getJspContext();
JspWriter out = getJspContext().getOut();
String fullPath = TDKUtils.getTDKPath(pc);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(" ");
if(action != null) {
action = action.trim();
if (this.images!=null) {
for (Image img : this.images) {
Long id = img.getId()!=null ? img.getId() : img.getTempId();
sb.append("<img src='" + fullPath + "/displayImage?" + DisplayImageServlet.IMG_ID + "=" + id+"&resize=true' align='bottom' > ");
// create and show delete button if action arg passed
if (action != null && !action.trim().equals("")) {
sb.append("<a href='" + this.action + "?name=image&id=" + img.getTempId() + "&action=delete'>");
sb.append("<img src='" + fullPath + "/images/delete.png' ");
sb.append("alt='Delete picture' class='whattodo' style='border-width: 0pt;' align='bottom' /></a>");
public void setImages(Collection<Image> images) {
this.images = images;
public void setAction(String action) {
this.action = action;
public void setLogo(byte[] logo) {
this.logo = logo;
public class Club implements java.io.Serializable {
private byte[] logo;
<tdk:displayImage logo="${club.logo}" />
javax.el.ELException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert [[email protected] of type class [B to class [Ljava.lang.Byte;
你可以試試Byte []嗎? –
@KorayTugay請轉換爲答案 –