首先你好,這是我在這個論壇上的第一篇文章。數組問題 - 關於索引。 c#
string[] availabilityArray = new string[] {"", "Other", "Unknown", "Running or Full Power", "Warning", "In Test", "Not Applicable", "Power Off", "Off Line", "Off Duty", "Degraded", "Not Installed", "Install Error", "Power Save - Unknown" + "\n" +"The device is known to be in a power save state, but its exact status is unknown.", "Power Save - Low Power Mode" + "/n" +"The device is in a power save state, but still functioning, and may exhibit degraded performance.", "Power Save - Standby" + "/n" +"The device is not functioning, but could be brought to full power quickly.", "Power Cycle", "Power Save - Warning" + "/n" + "The device is in a warning state, though also in a power save state.",};
是連續值無覆蓋差距?即。你有錯誤代碼1-N而不是1-4,10-18,100-199等。 – 2011-02-24 12:51:14
順便說一句,這不是一個空引用;它是一個空字符串。 – Ani 2011-02-24 12:53:01
^^^感謝指出:) – 2011-02-24 13:27:36