2014-03-12 106 views

我正在編寫一個繪製紐約市地鐵地圖的簡單應用程序。我成功地這樣做了,並且我的地圖以JFrame對象打印。但是,它會打印錯誤的一面,因爲我認爲它引用了左上角的0 0點。我怎樣才能使它參考左下角,以便打印正確的方式?在JFrame中更改方向

private final List<Shape> shapes; 
private double maxLat = 40.903125; 
private double maxLon = -73.755405; 
private double minLat = 40.512764; 
private double minLon = -74.251961; 
private final double latLength; 
private final double lonLength; 

public Shapes() throws IOException { 
    this.shapes = new ArrayList<Shape>(); 

    CSVReader in = new CSVReader(new FileReader(
    String[] line; 
    while ((line = in.readNext()) != null) { 
     double lat = Double.valueOf(line[1]); 
     double lon = Double.valueOf(line[2]); 
     Shape shape = new Shape(line[0], lat, lon); 

     this.maxLat = Math.max(this.maxLat, shape.getLat()); 
     this.maxLon = Math.max(this.maxLon, shape.getLon()); 
     this.minLat = Math.min(this.minLat, shape.getLat()); 
     this.minLon = Math.min(this.minLon, shape.getLon()); 

    this.latLength = Math.abs(this.maxLat - this.minLat); 
    this.lonLength = Math.abs(this.maxLon - this.minLon); 
    System.out.println(latLength + " " + lonLength); 



public void paintComponent(Graphics pen) { 
    System.out.println("Tring to draw"); 
    Graphics2D pen2D = (Graphics2D) pen; 
    int width = getWidth(); 
    int height = getHeight(); 
    System.out.println(width + " | " + height); 

    double minLat = this.shapes.getMinLat(); 
    double minLon = this.shapes.getMinLon(); 
    double latLength = this.shapes.getLatLength(); 
    double lonLength = this.shapes.getLonLength(); 
    List<String> shapeIds = this.shapes.getShapeIds(); 
    for (String shapeId : shapeIds) { 

     List<Shape> list = this.shapes.getShapes(shapeId); 

     Trip trip = this.trips.getTrip(shapeId); 
     if (trip != null) { 
      Color color = this.routes.getColor(trip.getRouteId()); 
      for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) { 
       Shape a = list.get(i - 1); 
       Shape b = list.get(i); 
       int x1 = (int) ((a.getLat() - minLat)/latLength * height); 
       int y1 = (int) ((a.getLon() - minLon)/lonLength * height); 
       int x2 = (int) ((b.getLat() - minLat)/latLength * height); 
       int y2 = (int) ((b.getLon() - minLon)/lonLength * height); 

       // if ((x1 != x2) || (y1 != y2)) { 
       pen2D.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); 
       // } 


Picture of my disasterNYC subway map

enter image description here enter image description here




int x1 = (int) ((a.getLat() - minLat)/latLength * height); 
int y1 = (int) ((a.getLon() - minLon)/lonLength * height); 

int x1 = (int) ((a.getLon() - minLon)/lonLength * width); 
int y1 = (int) ((maxLat - a.getlat())/latLength * height); 



int x1 =(int)((a.getLon() - minLon)/ lonLength * width); int y1 =(int)(maxLat - (a.getLat())/ latLength * height); int x2 =(int)((b.getLon() - minLon)/ lonLength * width); int y2 =(int)((maxLat - b.getLat())/ latLength * height); – Jenny


你是這個意思嗎?壞消息,它不起作用 – Jenny


不,不像你輸入的內容。你已經把括號放在了我所在的地方的不同位置,在'y1'的表達式中。 –