2016-12-16 27 views

我是新來的,我需要你的幫助! 我正在做一個項目(我的學校的手勢識別),所以imread的圖像是我的手。我想找到點之間的角度(在鏈碼)蟒蛇,openCV,鏈碼 - >我想找點之間的角度


import cv2 
import cv2.cv as cv 
import numpy as np 

# Create display windows 
cv2.namedWindow("input", cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) 
cv2.namedWindow("output", cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) 

# Parameters 
blur_ksize = 5 
thresh_Tlower = 100 
kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8) 

# Imread the image 
img = cv2.imread ("0_dani_mask.png",0) 

# Funding the contours of the hand 
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) 

# contour = the biggest (area) 
big_contour = contours[0] 
num_points_cnt = len(big_contour) 
print "num_points_cnt = ", num_points_cnt 

theta = np.zeros(num_points_cnt, np.uint8) 

P0 = big_contour[0] 
x0 = P0[0,0] 
y0 = P0[0,1] 

for n in range(1, num_points_cnt): 
    P = big_contour[n] 
    x = P[0,0] 
    y = P[0,1] 

    dX = x - x0 
    dY = y - y0 
    angulo = np.arctan(dY/dX) 
    theta[n] = angulo 

    x0 = x 
    y0 = y 

P = big_contour[0] 
x = P[0,0] 
y = P[0,1] 
dX = x - x0 
dY = y - y0 

angulo = np.arctan(dY/dX) 
theta[0] = angulo 

print theta 


num_points_cnt = 2031 [ 0 0 0 ...,0 0 0] /Users/dani/Desktop/myproject/src/kasksasa.py:47:RuntimeWarning:除以int_scalars中遇到的零 angulo = np.tanh(dY/dX)


顯然,錯誤消息不是最新的。你的代碼中沒有'tanh'。 –



要找到給定角度dYdX,請使用numpy.arctan2(dY, dX)。它正確處理dX = 0


非常感謝! :) – dandul


程序工作!再次感謝你 :) – dandul