2014-10-16 76 views

對於FeatureBody的意思,我有一個類型的同義詞type Entity = ([Feature], Body)Entity類型的對象是組合在一起:數據類型定義的限制

type Bunch = [Entity] 


如果我要在OOP語言中實現這個約束,我會將相應的檢查添加到封裝添加實體的方法中。 在Haskell中有更好的方法嗎?優選地,在定義級別上。 (如果Entity的定義也需要改變,沒問題。)


在編譯時已知「實體」中的「特徵」數量是否已知?無論哪種方式,這聽起來很像[依賴類型](https://www.fpcomplete.com/user/konn/prove-your-haskell-for-great-safety/dependent-types-in-haskell),但我對這個話題不太熟悉。 – Zeta 2014-10-16 17:52:14




所以這裏的交易。 Haskell確實有type-level natural numbers,您可以使用「幻像類型」對類型進行註釋。但是你這樣做,該類型將是這樣的:

data Z 
data S n 
data LAList x len = LAList [x] -- length-annotated list 


lalist1 :: x -> LAList x (S Z) 
lalist1 x = LAList [x] 
lalist2 :: x -> x -> LAList x (S (S Z)) 
lalist2 x y = LAList [x, y] 
-- ... 


(~:) :: x -> LAList x n -> LAList x (S n) 
x ~: LAList xs = LAList (x : xs) 
infixr 5 ~: 

nil :: LAList x Z 
nil = LAList [] 

lahead :: LAList x (S n) -> x 
lahead (LAList xs) = head xs 

latail :: LAList x (S n) -> LAList x n 
latail (LAList xs) = tail xs 



class FixedLength t where 
    la :: t x -> LAList x n 


type Pair x = (x, x) 
instance FixedLength Pair where 
    la :: Pair x -> LAList [x] (S (S Z)) 
    la (a, b) = LAList [a, b] 

(它是一種不匹配時,你去從(a, b)Pair a)。



-- this may change if you change your definition of the Bunch type 
features :: Entity -> [Feature] 
features = fst 

-- we also assume a runBunch :: [Entity] -> Something function 
-- that you're trying to run on this Bunch. 

allTheSame :: (Eq x) => [x] -> Bool 
allTheSame (x : xs) = all (x ==) xs 
allTheSame [] = True 

permissiveBunch :: [Entity] -> Maybe Something 
permissiveBunch es 
    | allTheSame (map (length . features) es) = Just (runBunch es) 
    | otherwise = Nothing 

strictBunch :: [Entity] -> Something 
strictBunch es 
    | allTheSame (map (length . features) es) = runBunch es 
    | otherwise = error ("runBunch requires all feature lists to be the same length; saw instead " ++ show (map (length . features) es)) 

那麼你runBunch可以只是假設所有的長度都是相同的,並且明確地檢查了上面的內容。如果需要將特徵彼此相鄰配對,則可以利用Prelude中的zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]函數解決模式匹配的奇怪問題。 (這裏的目標是由於runBunch' (x:xs) (y:ys)runBunch' [] []的模式匹配而導致的算法錯誤,但是Haskell警告說有兩種模式在比賽中沒有考慮到。)



type Entity x = (x, Body) 


class ZippableFeatures z where 
    fzip :: z -> z -> [(Feature, Feature)] 

instance ZippableFeatures() where 
    fzip()() = [] 

instance ZippableFeatures Feature where 
    fzip f1 f2 = [(f1, f2)] 

instance ZippableFeatures (Feature, Feature) where 
    fzip (a1, a2) (b1, b2) = [(a1, b1), (a2, b2)] 



runBunch :: (ZippableFeatures z) => [Entity z] -> Something 



非常好的閱讀。感謝你付出的努力 – AdelNick 2014-10-20 10:28:23



{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, GADTs, TypeFamilies #-} 
import Prelude hiding (foldr) 
import Data.Foldable 
import Data.Monoid 
import Data.Traversable 
import Control.Applicative 

data Feature -- Whatever that really is 

data Body -- Whatever that really is 

data Nat = Z | S Nat -- Natural numbers 

type family Plus (m::Nat) (n::Nat) where -- Type level natural number addition 
    Plus Z n = n 
    Plus (S m) n = S (Plus m n) 

data LList (n :: Nat) a where -- Lists tagged with their length at the type level 
    Nil :: LList Z a 
    Cons :: a -> LList n a -> LList (S n) a 


llHead :: LList (S n) a -> a 
llHead (Cons x _) = x 

llTail :: LList (S n) a -> LList n a 
llTail (Cons _ xs) = xs 

llAppend :: LList m a -> LList n a -> LList (Plus m n) a 
llAppend Nil ys = ys 
llAppend (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (llAppend xs ys) 

data Entity n = Entity (LList n Feature) Body 

data Bunch where 
    Bunch :: [Entity n] -> Bunch 


instance Functor (LList n) where 
    fmap f Nil = Nil 
    fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap f xs) 

instance Foldable (LList n) where 
    foldMap f Nil = mempty 
    foldMap f (Cons x xs) = f x `mappend` foldMap f xs 

instance Traversable (LList n) where 
    traverse f Nil = pure Nil 
    traverse f (Cons x xs) = Cons <$> f x <*> traverse f xs 

等。請注意,n中的Bunch的定義是存在。它可以是任何東西,它實際上並不影響類型 - 所有串都具有相同的類型。這在一定程度上限制了你可以用束做什麼。或者,您可以使用其功能列表的長度來標記該組。這一切都取決於你需要什麼這個東西到底。