im = imread('image.jpg');
% convert image to grayscale,
imHSV = rgb2hsv(im);
imGray = rgb2gray(im);
imSat = imHSV(:,:,2);
imHue = imHSV(:,:,1);
imVal = imHSV(:,:,3);
background = imopen(im,strel('disk',15));
I2 = im - background;
% detect edge using sobel algorithm
[~, threshold] = edge(imGray, 'sobel');
fudgeFactor = .5;
imEdge = edge(imGray,'sobel', threshold * fudgeFactor);
%figure, imshow(imEdge);
% split image into colour channels
redIM = im(:,:,1);
greenIM = im(:,:,2);
blueIM = im(:,:,3);
% convert image to binary image (using thresholding)
imBlobs = and((imSat < 0.6),(imHue < 0.6));
imBlobs = and(imBlobs, ((redIM + greenIM + blueIM) > 150));
imBlobs = imfill(~imBlobs,4);
imBlobs = bwareaopen(imBlobs,50);