它可以用很多方式完成。我正在解釋一個流程,我根據我的php應用程序的代碼結構應用了這個流程。我針對不同的應用程序遵循相同的代碼結構/框架,每個應用程序都作爲服務器中的一個子文件夾。所以,有理由需要使用KCfinder單個CKEditor並以某種方式對其進行配置,以便它適用於所有應用。 CKeditor的內容部分沒問題。它可以輕鬆地被來自單個CKeditor組件的不同應用程序或項目重複使用。但問題出現在文件上傳中,如圖像,視頻或任何其他文檔。爲使其適用於不同的項目,必須將文件上載到不同項目的分離文件夾中。對於$ _CONFIG ['uploadURL']必須通過動態文件夾路徑配置,意味着每個項目的不同文件夾路徑,但在相同位置調用相同的CKeditor KCfinder組件。我一步一步地解釋一些不同的過程。 KCfinder版本2.51對我來說很好,我希望他們也能爲其他人工作。如果它不適用於其他開發者,那麼他們可能需要根據項目代碼結構和文件夾寫入權限以及CKeditor和KCfinder版本對這些過程進行一些調整。
1)在CKEDITOR \ filemanagers \ kcfinder_2_51 \ config.php文件
一)在$ _CONFIG數組定義,搜索此行 '已禁用'=>假,如果你發現任何與「殘疾人更換'=> true, 在該文件的末尾放置以下代碼。該代碼是自我解釋的邏輯和細節註釋。的代碼是:
//Code to assign $_CONFIG['uploadURL'] dynamic value: different for different projects or sites: added by Mrinal Nandi on 5 oct, 2013: start
//session dependent dynamic $_CONFIG['uploadURL'] setting :start
////session dependent secure method: only for single site setting: i.e. one CKeditor KCfinder for each one project domain or subdomain, not one CKeditor KCfinder for multiple project:start
// session_start();
//if(isset($_SESSION['KCFINDER']['uploadURL']) && $_SESSION['KCFINDER']['uploadURL']!="") { //$_SESSION['SESSION_SERVER_RELATIVEPATH']: relative folder path of the project corresponding to the webroot; should be like "/project/folder/path/" //set this session variable in a common file in your project where the session started
// $file_upload_relative_path=$_SESSION['KCFINDER']['uploadURL'];
////session dependent secure method: only for single site setting: i.e. one CKeditor KCfinder for each one project domain or subdomain, not one CKeditor KCfinder for multiple project:start
//Using a single CKeditor KCfinder component for different projects or sites (multisite): start
//session dependent settings a single CKeditor KCfinder component for different projects or sites (multisite): start
//Assuming different session_name for different projects, if represented as different sub-folders, but not work if represented as sub-domains or different domains
//Secure and deny access for unauthorized users without any session, thus restrict access via direct link
//but not work if projects represented as sub-domains or different domains, then have to use the session independent way provided bellow (though it is insecure), or have to implement some session related way as per the project flow and structure
if(isset($_SESSION['KCFINDER']['uploadURL']) && $_SESSION['KCFINDER']['uploadURL']!="") { //$_SESSION['SESSION_SERVER_RELATIVEPATH']: relative folder path of the project corresponding to the webroot; should be like "/project/folder/path/" //set this session variable in a common file in your project where the session started
//session dependent settings a single CKeditor KCfinder component for different projects or sites (multisite): end
//session dependent dynamic $_CONFIG['uploadURL'] setting :end
////session independent dynamic $_CONFIG['uploadURL'] setting: without using session :start
//if(isset($_REQUEST['param_project']) && $_REQUEST['param_project']!=""){ //base64 encoded relative folder path for file upload in the project, corresponding to the webroot; should be like "/project/folder/file/upload/path/" before encoding
// $file_upload_relative_path=base64_decode($_REQUEST['param_project']);
////session independent dynamic $_CONFIG['uploadURL'] setting: without using session :end
if(isset($file_upload_relative_path) && trim($file_upload_relative_path)!=""){
} else if(is_dir($file_upload_relative_path)) { //to make it relatively secure so that hackers can not create any upload folder automatcally in the server, using a direct link and can not upload files there
// Path to user files relative to the document root.
$_CONFIG['uploadURL']= $file_upload_relative_path;
$_CONFIG['param_project'] = $_REQUEST['param_project'];
//Using a single CKeditor KCfinder component for different projects or sites (multisite): end
//Code to assign $_CONFIG['uploadURL'] dynamic value: different for different projects or sites: added by Mrinal Nandi on 5 oct, 2013: end
2)在CKEditor的\ filemanagers \ kcfinder_2_51 \ JS \瀏覽器\ misc.js
搜索這一行:VAR數據= '?browse.php類型=' + encodeURIComponent方法( this.type)+'& lng ='+ this.lang;
var data = 'browse.php?type=' + encodeURIComponent(this.type) + '&lng=' + this.lang + '¶m_project=' + this.param_project;
3)在CKEditor的\ filemanagers \ kcfinder_2_51 \ TPL \ tpl_javascript.php
搜索這一行:browser.type = 「?型)>」 ;
browser.param_project = "<?php echo text::jsValue($this->config['param_project']) ?>";
4)在CKEditor的\ filemanagers \ kcfinder_2_51 \核心\載。PHP 搜索該行__construct()函數:
if (isset($this->config['_check4htaccess']) &&
) {
$htaccess = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/.htaccess";
if (!file_exists($htaccess)) {
if ([email protected]_put_contents($htaccess, $this->get_htaccess()))
$this->backMsg("Cannot write to upload folder. {$this->config['uploadDir']}");
} else {
if (false === ($data = @file_get_contents($htaccess)))
$this->backMsg("Cannot read .htaccess");
if (($data != $this->get_htaccess()) && [email protected]_put_contents($htaccess, $data))
$this->backMsg("Incorrect .htaccess file. Cannot rewrite it!");
include_once(Absolute/Folder/path/for/CKeditor/."ckeditor/ckeditor.php") ;
//If you did not want a session oriented way, cooment out the session related lines
$_SESSION['KCFINDER'] = array();
$CKEditor = new CKEditor();
$CKEditor->basePath = HTTP_COMPONENTPATH."ckeditor_3.6.2/ckeditor/";
$CKEditor->config["filebrowserBrowseUrl"] = ($CKEditor->basePath)."filemanagers/kcfinder_2_51/browse.php?type=files¶m_project=".base64_encode(session_name());
$CKEditor->config["filebrowserImageBrowseUrl"] = ($CKEditor->basePath)."filemanagers/kcfinder_2_51/browse.php?type=images¶m_project=".base64_encode(session_name());
$CKEditor->config["filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl"] = ($CKEditor->basePath)."filemanagers/kcfinder_2_51/browse.php?type=flash¶m_project=".base64_encode(session_name());
$CKEditor->editor("Content", getIfSet($data['Content']));
//if you did not want a session oriented way, then in the above code code segment, just replace all the texts: base64_encode(session_name()) with this one: base64_encode(session_name($SERVER_RELATIVEPATH."userfiles/"))
http://www.xms-systems.co.uk/articles_read.php?a_id=77 – Stefan 2015-07-09 12:54:00