# The following part is just to demonstrate the behavior AND CANNOT BE CHANGED UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES
# Just define something so you can access something like derived.obj.foo(x)
class Basic(object):
def foo(self, x=10):
return x*x
class Derived(object):
def info(self, x):
return "Info of Derived: "+str(x)
def set(self, obj):
self.obj = obj
# The following piece of code might be changed, but I would rather not
class DeviceProxy(object):
def __init__(self):
# just to set up something that somewhat behaves as the real code in question
self.proxy = Derived()
# crucial part: I want any attributes forwarded to the proxy object here, without knowing beforehand what the names will be
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self.proxy, attr)
# ======================================
# This code is the only I want to change to get things work
# Original __getattr__ function
original = DeviceProxy.__getattr__
# wrapper for the __getattr__ function to log/print out any attribute/parameter/argument/...
def mygetattr(device, key):
attr = original(device, key)
if callable(attr):
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
print('%r called with %r and %r' % (attr, args, kw))
return attr(*args, **kw)
return wrapper
print "not callable: ", attr
return attr
DeviceProxy.__getattr__ = mygetattr
# make an instance of the DeviceProxy class and call the double-dotted function
dev = DeviceProxy()
print dev.info(1)
print dev.obj.foo(3)
時,這很好用,所有的信息都被打印出來。 但是,當我呼叫雙點功能dev.obj.foo(3)
問題是,對於'dev.obj.foo(3)','mygetattr'被設備'dev'和關鍵字'obj'調用,這實際上是不可調用的。你需要的是找出用設備'obj'和鍵'foo'調用它的方法。 (如何做到這一點對我來說並不明顯。) – khagler
是的,這正是問題所在。看起來我需要另一層包裝或類似的東西,但我不確定有多少包裝。可能會有諸如'device.service.info.version.firmware'之類的調用。 – Alex
據我所知,「基本」和「派生」不使用繼承,儘管名稱。 –