Sub FindPart_FullWorkbooks()
'If searching multiple worksheets & workbooks
Dim PartNumber As String
Dim Found1 As Integer
Dim Found2 As Boolean
Dim Found3 As Boolean
Dim Found4 As Boolean
Dim Found5 As Boolean
Dim Found6 As Boolean
Dim Found7 As Boolean
Dim Found8 As Boolean
Dim Found9 As Boolean
Dim Found10 As Boolean
Dim Found11 As Boolean
Dim Found12 As Boolean
Dim EOS As String
Dim EOSL As String
Dim EOL As String
Dim Replace As String
Dim AddInfo As String
Dim n As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim WS2 As Worksheet
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim WB2 As Workbook
For Each WB In Workbooks
For Each WS In WB.Worksheets
With WS
LastRow = .Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
End With
For m = 1 To LastRow
PartNumber = WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 5).Value
EOS = WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 20).Value
EOSL = WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 21).Value
EOL = WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 22).Value
Replace = WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 23).Value
AddInfo = WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 24).Value
Found2 = IsEmpty(WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 5).Value)
Found4 = IsEmpty(WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 20).Value)
Found5 = IsEmpty(WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 21).Value)
Found6 = IsEmpty(WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 22).Value)
Found7 = IsEmpty(WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 23).Value)
Found8 = IsEmpty(WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 24).Value)
If Found2 = True Then
GoTo NextIndex
For Each WB2 In Workbooks
For Each WS2 In WB2.Worksheets
For n = 1 To LastRow
Found1 = InStr(WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 5).Value, PartNumber)
Found3 = IsEmpty(WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 20).Value)
Found9 = IsEmpty(WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 21).Value)
Found10 = IsEmpty(WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 22).Value)
Found11 = IsEmpty(WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 23).Value)
Found12 = IsEmpty(WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 24).Value)
If Found3 = True And Found9 = True And Found10 = True And Found11 = True And Found12 = True Then
If Found1 = 1 Then
WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 20).Value = EOS
WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 21).Value = EOSL
WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 22).Value = EOL
WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 23).Value = Replace
WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 24).Value = AddInfo
End If
End If
Next n
If Found4 = True And Found5 = True And Found6 = True And Found7 = True And Found8 = True Then
WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 5).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 255)
ElseIf WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 5).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 255) Then
WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 5).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If
'MsgBox (WB2.Name & " " & WS2.Name)
Next WS2
Next WB2
End If
'MsgBox (m)
Next m
'MsgBox (WB.Name & " " & WS.Name)
Next WS
Next WB
End Sub
很抱歉,但澄清 - 這是否工作,只是需要大量的時間?如果是這樣,你可能想在[CodeReview](https://codereview.stackexchange.com/)上提問。 – BruceWayne
它過去只是需要很多時間,但現在它凍結excel,我很好奇,如果有人可能知道如何將數組集成到它,以便它可以更好地工作。 – FrenchP