頁內分析(Google Analytics)無法正常工作。我嘗試了幾種方法來製作頁內分析,但沒有一個能夠幫助。頁內分析(Google Analytics)不起作用
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir="C:/Chrome dev session" --disable-web-security
Problem loading In-Page Analytics
We tried looking for a few common problems with your setup, but couldn't find what's wrong. Please try again later.
Oh! If you are using Chrome or Firefox browser, it may be an issue with a recent change in the default security mode of those browsers. Those browsers now implement a security policy that prevents insecure content from being displayed within a secure page. You can work around this by clicking the shield icon at the address bar, and allowing insecure content, or you can use the full-view option.
You can try the Page Analytics Chrome Extension which has almost identical functionality to the In-Page Analytics report, but can often resolve these issues.
其實這兩種可能的解決方案就在那裏:或者使用全視圖(您可以在屬性設置中永久啓用它),這至少對我來說可以在Chrome中運行。或者使用Page Analytics Chrome擴展程序,這非常好。我懷疑Google會修復內嵌的頁內分析,因爲它首先不是很有用,坦率地說,我建議您獲得第三方熱圖/點擊圖軟件。 –
哦,出於某種原因,「全景」正在工作...它沒有工作過。我想要「瀏覽器大小」,而不是點擊地圖。 – Martin
一個網站在「全視圖」下工作,其他網站沒有。沒有錯誤消息,即使在Chrome控制檯中也沒有。 – Martin