2015-04-01 135 views
#This will loop the try statement until an integer is entered as the guess1 variable 
    while True: 
     #The try statement will see if the guess variable is given an integer value, 
     #if not then it will print "You did not enter an integer. This is not a 
     #valid answer 
      #This will allow the user to enter their answer and 
      #store it in the guess1 variable 
      guess1 = int(input("")) 
      #This will break the while loop if an integer is entered as the guess1 variable 
     except ValueError: 
      print("You did not enter an integer. This is not a valid answer. Please enter a valid integer") 
      print("Answer the quesiton appropiately" + "What is " + (str(first2) + op + str(second2) + "?") 
    if guess1 == answer1: 
     #If the guess1 variable is equal to the answer1 variable, then 
     #"Correct!" will be printed and one point would be 
     #added to the score 
     score += 1 
     #Else "Incorrect" would be printed 
     print ("Incorrect") 

當我鍵入'guess1 == answer1:'時,shell聲明存在無效的冒號。shell說'語法無效'


計算上一行的括號。 – 2015-04-01 08:12:15


這就是爲什麼你使用'format'並且不要將字符串與'+'連接起來的原因。 – Matthias 2015-04-01 10:49:43




print("Answer the quesiton appropiately" + "What is " + (str(first2) + op + str(second2) + "?"))