球:1×123 Y:344顏色:藍色 球:2×:3 Y 233顏色:綠色 球3×:24歲:3顏色:藍
球:1 X:24 Y:3顏色:藍色 球:1 X:24 Y:3顏色:藍色 球:1 X:24 Y:3顏色:藍色
//When I create the List Eclipse refused to accept it until I initialized it like so...
java.util.List <Sprite> sprite = new java.util.ArrayList<Sprite>();
//yes I did import java.util.*; Eclipse still was digging it. This was working correctly despite the way i added it. I also changed this to a Vector which Eclispe was more content with with no effect.
private void GenerateSprites(){
//Random to keep it random
Random r = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
//variables for selecting and setting color
Color color = null;
int colorValue;
//variables for their x,y coordinates
float bX = 0;
float bY = 0;
//Create each ball set the color and generate the x,y coordinates
for (int x = 0; x < NUM_BALLS; x++){
colorValue = r.nextInt(4);
if (colorValue == 0) color = Color.BLUE;
if (colorValue == 1) color = Color.RED;
if (colorValue == 2) color = Color.YELLOW;
if (colorValue == 3) color = Color.GREEN;
bX = r.nextInt((int)(gameField.getWidth() - gameField.getWidth()/4)+SCRN_MARGIN);
bY = r.nextInt((int)(gameField.getHeight() - gameField.getHeight()/4)+SCRN_MARGIN);
//place the new ball in the gameField
//print the values being passed to the sprite constrcutor for debug purposes. The out put of this line indicates that all is well at this point.
System.out.println("Ball: " + x + " X: " + bX+ " Y: " + (bY+SCRN_MARGIN) + " Color: " + color.toString());
gSprite.add(new Sprite((float)bX, (float)bY+SCRN_MARGIN, BALL_SIZE, color));
//Now that the sprites are added to this list print out the list. When this line executes it shows a list of NUM_BALLS all of which have the exact sdame vlaues as the last sprite added earlier.
for (int x = 0; x < gSprite.size(); x++){
Sprite spr = gSprite.get(x);
System.out.println("Ball: " + x + " X: " + spr.getX()+ " Y: " + spr.getY() + " vX: " + spr.getvX() + " vY: " + spr.getvY() + " Color: " + spr.getColor().toString());
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