// This program will take input from the user and calculate the
// average, median, and mode of the number of movies students see in a month.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function prototypes
double median(int *, int);
int mode(int *, int);
int *makeArray(int);
void getMovieData(int *, int);
void selectionSort(int[], int);
double average(int *, int);
// variables
int surveyed;
int main()
cout << "This program will give the average, median, and mode of the number of movies students see in a month" << endl;
cout << "How many students were surveyed?" << endl;
cin >> surveyed;
int *array = new int[surveyed];
for (int i = 0; i < surveyed; ++i)
cout << "How many movies did student " << i + 1 << " see?" << endl;
cin >> array[i];
median(*array[surveyed], surveyed);
double median(int *array[], int num)
if (num % 2 != 0)
int temp = ((num + 1)/2) - 1;
cout << "The median of the number of movies seen by the students is " << array[temp] << endl;
cout << "The median of the number of movies seen by the students is " << array[(num/2) - 1] << " and " << array[num/2] << endl;
所以'array'是int'的'數組。在第36行中,你可以執行'* array [surveyed]'。這在調查的索引處訪問陣列數組(在這裏是錯誤的命名)。這給出了一個int,然後*嘗試去引用。 int是一個原始類型,它不是一個指針,所以不能被去引用。 – 2015-02-11 19:34:55
喵,將'array [surveyed]'改爲'array'。 – WhozCraig 2015-02-11 19:37:35
'所以即時通訊對C++來說還是個新鮮事物,並且已經做了一段時間的程序了'所以你說你找不到幾十萬個例子中的一個例子,向你展示傳遞一個數組的正確方法,如何正確聲明功能? – PaulMcKenzie 2015-02-11 19:37:39