
enter image description here



目前我有3000多行和10列。例如,如果我想使用15個以前的時間步,我們可以得到10 + 15 * 10列。 15是否是我不知道的好選擇,因此我需要能夠快速測試N = 5,10,15,20,25,50




structure(list(Date = structure(c(10L, 9L, 8L, 7L, 6L, 5L, 4L, 
3L, 2L, 1L), .Label = c("6/10/2016", "6/13/2016", "6/14/2016", 
"6/15/2016", "6/16/2016", "6/17/2016", "6/20/2016", "6/21/2016", 
"6/22/2016", "6/23/2016"), class = "factor"), Bid = c(5.04, 4.97, 
4.96, 4.93, 4.84, 5.09, 5.05, 4.96, 5.08, 5), Ask = c(5.04, 4.97, 
4.96, 4.94, 4.84, 5.09, 5.06, 4.97, 5.08, 5.01), Opening.price = c(4.98, 
4.97, 4.95, 4.94, 4.92, 5.01, 5.01, 5.01, 4.95, 5.05), High.price = c(5.07, 
4.98, 4.97, 4.99, 4.93, 5.14, 5.06, 5.1, 5.13, 5.09), Low.price = c(4.94, 
4.91, 4.89, 4.92, 4.81, 5.01, 4.94, 4.94, 4.89, 4.97), Closing.price = c(5.04, 
4.97, 4.95, 4.94, 4.86, 5.08, 5.05, 4.94, 5.06, 4.98), Average.price = c(5.02, 
4.96, 4.94, 4.94, 4.87, 5.08, 5.01, 5, 5.01, 5.01), Total.volume = c(18997216L, 
17969939L, 21430529L, 20725035L, 66884495L, 32994371L, 24600829L, 
24439514L, 26540825L, 24756699L), Turnover = c(95382241.29, 89106913.2, 
105823382.96, 102379207.58, 325592595.95, 167697936.93, 123243137.11, 
122189815.88, 133063486.77, 124080799.95), Trades = c(9220L, 
9317L, 10075L, 10230L, 16446L, 13544L, 11888L, 10923L, 11981L, 
9696L)), .Names = c("Date", "Bid", "Ask", "Opening.price", "High.price", 
"Low.price", "Closing.price", "Average.price", "Total.volume", 
"Turnover", "Trades"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

結果當n = 2(追加右側2個之前的時間步長):

structure(list(Date = structure(c(8L, 7L, 6L, 5L, 4L, 3L, 2L, 
1L), .Label = c("6/14/2016", "6/15/2016", "6/16/2016", "6/17/2016", 
"6/20/2016", "6/21/2016", "6/22/2016", "6/23/2016"), class = "factor"), 
Bid = c(5.04, 4.97, 4.96, 4.93, 4.84, 5.09, 5.05, 4.96), 
Ask = c(5.04, 4.97, 4.96, 4.94, 4.84, 5.09, 5.06, 4.97), 
Opening.price = c(4.98, 4.97, 4.95, 4.94, 4.92, 5.01, 5.01, 
5.01), High.price = c(5.07, 4.98, 4.97, 4.99, 4.93, 5.14, 
5.06, 5.1), Low.price = c(4.94, 4.91, 4.89, 4.92, 4.81, 5.01, 
4.94, 4.94), Closing.price = c(5.04, 4.97, 4.95, 4.94, 4.86, 
5.08, 5.05, 4.94), Average.price = c(5.02, 4.96, 4.94, 4.94, 
4.87, 5.08, 5.01, 5), Total.volume = c(18997216L, 17969939L, 
21430529L, 20725035L, 66884495L, 32994371L, 24600829L, 24439514L 
), Turnover = c(95382241.29, 89106913.2, 105823382.96, 102379207.58, 
325592595.95, 167697936.93, 123243137.11, 122189815.88), 
Trades = c(9220L, 9317L, 10075L, 10230L, 16446L, 13544L, 
11888L, 10923L), X1_Bid = c(4.97, 4.96, 4.93, 4.84, 5.09, 
5.05, 4.96, 5.08), X1_Ask = c(4.97, 4.96, 4.94, 4.84, 5.09, 
5.06, 4.97, 5.08), X1_Opening.price = c(4.97, 4.95, 4.94, 
4.92, 5.01, 5.01, 5.01, 4.95), X1_High.price = c(4.98, 4.97, 
4.99, 4.93, 5.14, 5.06, 5.1, 5.13), X1_Low.price = c(4.91, 
4.89, 4.92, 4.81, 5.01, 4.94, 4.94, 4.89), X1_Closing.price = c(4.97, 
4.95, 4.94, 4.86, 5.08, 5.05, 4.94, 5.06), X1_Average.price = c(4.96, 
4.94, 4.94, 4.87, 5.08, 5.01, 5, 5.01), X1_Total.volume = c(17969939L, 
21430529L, 20725035L, 66884495L, 32994371L, 24600829L, 24439514L, 
26540825L), X1_Turnover = c(89106913.2, 105823382.96, 102379207.58, 
325592595.95, 167697936.93, 123243137.11, 122189815.88, 133063486.77 
), X1_Trades = c(9317L, 10075L, 10230L, 16446L, 13544L, 11888L, 
10923L, 11981L), X2_Bid = c(4.96, 4.93, 4.84, 5.09, 5.05, 
4.96, 5.08, 5), X2_Ask = c(4.96, 4.94, 4.84, 5.09, 5.06, 
4.97, 5.08, 5.01), X2_Opening.price = c(4.95, 4.94, 4.92, 
5.01, 5.01, 5.01, 4.95, 5.05), X2_High.price = c(4.97, 4.99, 
4.93, 5.14, 5.06, 5.1, 5.13, 5.09), X2_Low.price = c(4.89, 
4.92, 4.81, 5.01, 4.94, 4.94, 4.89, 4.97), X2_Closing.price = c(4.95, 
4.94, 4.86, 5.08, 5.05, 4.94, 5.06, 4.98), X2_Average.price = c(4.94, 
4.94, 4.87, 5.08, 5.01, 5, 5.01, 5.01), X2_Total.volume = c(21430529L, 
20725035L, 66884495L, 32994371L, 24600829L, 24439514L, 26540825L, 
24756699L), X2_Turnover = c(105823382.96, 102379207.58, 325592595.95, 
167697936.93, 123243137.11, 122189815.88, 133063486.77, 124080799.95 
), X2_Trades = c(10075L, 10230L, 16446L, 13544L, 11888L, 
10923L, 11981L, 9696L)), .Names = c("Date", "Bid", "Ask", 
"Opening.price", "High.price", "Low.price", "Closing.price", 
"Average.price", "Total.volume", "Turnover", "Trades", "X1_Bid", 
"X1_Ask", "X1_Opening.price", "X1_High.price", "X1_Low.price", 
"X1_Closing.price", "X1_Average.price", "X1_Total.volume", "X1_Turnover", 
"X1_Trades", "X2_Bid", "X2_Ask", "X2_Opening.price", "X2_High.price", 
"X2_Low.price", "X2_Closing.price", "X2_Average.price", "X2_Total.volume", 
"X2_Turnover", "X2_Trades"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 


這裏的人誰是避風港關於rnns的問題以及當直接輸入以前的時間點時它們與經典網絡的區別。 rnn vs classic net 問題的第一部分解釋了我希望如何在每一行中獲得我想要預測的數據右側的x(t-1),x(t-2)...。


[從長到寬格式重塑數據](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5890584)? – zx8754


請使用'dput'來顯示一個小例子而不是圖像。 – akrun


'rbind(unlist(mtcars [-1,]),unlist(mtcars [-nrow(mtcars),]))'? – alistaire


# I put your dataframe into x. 
# Then I extract just the numeric columns into x1, 
# because operations on matrices tend to be faster 
# than operations on dataframes. 
# Now I increase the size to a 3000 row matrix to match your comment 
# record some sizes: 
    N<-50; n<-nrow(x2); J<-1:(n-(N-1)) 
# Create the new numeric matrix: 
    z<-x2[J,]; for (i in 1:(N-1)){z<-cbind(z,x2[i+J,])} 
#This took an imperceptible length of time (< 1 second) on my MacBook Pro 
    [1] 2951 500 
# Note that looping is inelegant at times but here it's just fine. 
# appending columns to a matrix is fast because it goes 
# in the order in which matrices are stored. 

# You could run your test cases with z[,1:50], z[,1:100] ... 
# to test the right number of past entries 

整潔!謝謝!看來cbind就是我一直在尋找的東西。我不知道它可以像那樣使用(仍然需要確定它爲什麼會這樣做)。 仍然需要爲所有標題添加一個索引來區分它們,但這不在請求中。 – user979899