#!/bin/ksh print print "Please enter the type of " print "back you want done:[ABCD]." print "A: Daily" print "B: Weekly" print "C: Quarterly" print "D: Special" print print -n "Response: " read response print if [[ $response = [Aa] ]] then print "Starting daily backup" elif [[ $response = [Bb] ]] then print "starting weekly backup" elif [[ $response = [Cc] ]] then print "starting weekly backup" elif [[ $response = [Dd] ]] then print "starting special backup" print print "Please enter the type of " print "back you want done:[ABCD]." print "A: Daily" print "B: Weekly" print "C: Quarterly" print "D: Special" print print -n "Response: " read response print if [[ $response = [Aa] ]] then print "Starting daily backup" elif [[ $response = [Bb] ]] then print "starting weekly backup" elif [[ $response = [Cc] ]] then print "starting weekly backup" elif [[ $response = [Dd] ]] then print "starting daily backup" print print "please take out daily tapes." print "Please put in weekly tapes," print -n "and hit 'enter' to continue." read waiting print print "starting weekly backup" else print "'$response' is not a valid option." fi
./backup.ksh: line 18: syntax error at line 82: `then' unmatched
[[email protected] ~]$ whereis ksh ksh: /bin/ksh /usr/share/man/man1/ksh.1.gz
縮進你的代碼。你可能自己想象這個問題! – devnull
Sssh ..不要告訴任何人。 (你只有一個'fi'。) – devnull
感謝你的提示。 我需要另一個! :D祝你有美好的一天。 – makemesteaks