2013-11-09 45 views


id | account | date  | random_data 
1 | 1  | 01/01/2013 | qw 
2 | 2  | 05/01/2013 | er 
3 | 2  | 09/01/2013 | ty 
4 | 1  | 05/01/2013 | ui 
5 | 2  | 11/01/2013 | op 
6 | 1  | 12/01/2013 | as 

嗨,讓我們說,我想記錄從2013/05/01開始 - 注意prev_date的第一行仍然顯示較早的日期比05/01意味着整個表格仍然需要被搜索。


account | cur_date | random_data | prev_date | prev_rand_data 
1  | 05/01/2013 | ui   | 01/01/2013 | qw 
1  | 12/01/2013 | as   | 05/01/2013 | ui 
2  | 05/01/2013 | er   | null  | null 
2  | 09/01/2013 | ty   | 05/01/2013 | er 
2  | 11/01/2013 | op   | 09/01/2013 | ty 


  1. 某種連接在同一個表 - 不知道怎麼雖然
  2. 子查詢的選擇 -

    select date as cur_date , (select max(date) from table where date < cur_date group by account) as prev_date... - 這似乎是它可以是令人難以置信的密集

  3. 會話變量 - 在每行上設置一個會話變量,它將成爲下一行的先前數據,例如

    select date as cur_date , @prev_date as prev_date , @prev_date:=date...






select account, date, random_data 
from thetable 
where date >= YourDateVariable 


select account, date, random_data 
from thetable join 
(select account acc, max(date) maxdate 
from thetable 
where date <= YourDateVariable 
group by account) x on account = acc and date = max(date) 
where date <= YourDateVariable 

order by account, date 


Set a variable called ThisAccount to 0. 
Set a row counter variable to 0. 
Create an empty 2D array 
Start looping through your query results 
Put the account value and random data into the first two columns 
    of the next available row of the array 
Compare the account value to the value of the ThisAccount variable. 
    If they are the same, get the previous date and random data from 
    the previous row in the array. 
Set the ThisAccount variable to the current account value. 
Increment your row counter variable 
End of loop.