2011-08-21 67 views

我正在嘗試實現AVL樹中的幾個編譯錯誤。 有些東西是拋出整個枚舉。它編譯得很好,直到我試圖實現一個輔助類。我認爲這與BTNode本身就是一個私人嵌套類有關,但試圖公開只是爲了看看會發生什麼,而沒有用。幫助獲取通用AVL樹在C編譯(IEnumerator問題)#




class AVLTree<TKey, TValue> : IEnumerable<TKey> where TKey : IComparable<TKey> 

#region nested classes 

節點分類 -

#region BTNode class 
    private class BTNode<TKey, TValue> where TKey : IComparable<TKey> 
    #region class variables 
     public TValue data; 
     public TKey key; 
     public int height; 
     public int balFactor; 
     public BTNode<TKey, TValue> up; 
     public BTNode<TKey, TValue> left; 
     public BTNode<TKey, TValue> right; 

    #region con/destructors 
     //Key and value, constructor for very first node. 
     public BTNode(TKey new_key, TValue new_data) 
      key = new_key; 
      data = new_data; 
      height = 1; 
      balFactor = 0; 

     //Normal use constructor after initial 
     //has been made. 
     public BTNode(TKey new_key, TValue new_data, BTNode<TKey, TValue> new_up) 
      key = new_key; 
      data = new_data; 
      up = new_up; 
      height = 1; 
      balFactor = 0; 

枚舉輔助類 -

#region Enumerator class 

    private class AVLEnumerator<TKey,TValue> : IEnumerator<TKey> where TKey : IComparable<TKey> 
    #region class variables 

     private AVLTree<TKey, TValue> AVLTreeEnum; 
     private BTNode<TKey, TValue> current; 

    #region con/destructors 

     public AVLEnumerator(AVLTree<TKey, TValue> toEnumerate) 
      AVLTreeEnum = toEnumerate; 
      current = null; 

    #region interface methods 

     //interface method to move to the next 
     public bool MoveNext() 
      BTNode<TKey, TValue> sendMe; 
      //If current is null, it's at start of tree, 
      //set current to leftmost node in left subtree of root. 
      if (current == null) 
       /* error below on 'sendMe =' line-- 
        * Cannot implicitly convert type 
        * 'BSTs.AVLTree<TKey,TValue>.BTNode<TKey,TValue> ' to 
        * 'BSTs.AVLTree<TKey,TValue>.BTNode<TKey,TValue> ' 
       sendMe = AVLTreeEnum.root; 

       /* two errors on 'current =' line-- 
       * The best overloaded method match for 
       * 'BSTs.AVLTree<TKey,TValue>.GetLeftMost 
       * (BSTs.AVLTree<TKey,TValue>.BTNode<TKey,TValue>)' 
       * has some invalid arguments 
       * and 
       * Argument 1: cannot convert from 
       * 'BSTs.AVLTree<TKey,TValue>.BTNode<TKey,TValue>' to 
       * 'BSTs.AVLTree<TKey,TValue>.BTNode<TKey,TValue>' 
       current = AVLTreeEnum.GetLeftMost(sendMe); 
       //If we can go right from current, get leftmost node 
       //of current.rights left subtree. 
       if (current.right != null) 

        sendMe = current.right; 
        /* two errors on 'current =' -- 
        * The best overloaded method match for 
        * 'BSTs.AVLTree<TKey,TValue>.GetLeftMost 
        * (BSTs.AVLTree<TKey,TValue>.AVLNode<TKey,TValue>)' 
        * has some invalid arguments 
        * and 
        * Argument 1: cannot convert from 
        * 'BSTs.AVLTree<TKey,TValue>.AVLNode<TKey,TValue>' 
        * to 'BSTs.AVLTree<TKey,TValue>.AVLNode<TKey,TValue>' 
        current = AVLTreeEnum.GetLeftMost(sendMe); 
        //Move up until we find a value larger than current. 
        TKey currentValue = current.key; 

        while (current != null) 
         current = current.up; 

         if (current != null) 
          if (current.key.CompareTo(currentValue) >= 0) 

      return (current != null); 

     //Interface method to reset enumeration 
     public void Reset() 
      current = null; 

     //Interface property to return current key 
     public TKey Current 
       if (current == null) 
        throw new InvalidOperationException(
         "Enumerator got a null"); 
       return current.key; 

     //interface non-generic method 
     Object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current 
      get { return this.Current; } 

     //interface method, must have a dispose. 
     public void Dispose() 
     { } 


#region class variables 
    private BTNode<TKey, TValue> root; 
    private int size; 

#region properties 
    public int Size 
    { get { return size; } } 

#region con/destructors 
    public AVLTree() 
    { size = 0; } 

     root = null; 


#region interface implementation 

    //Interface for IEnumerable<T> 
    public IEnumerator<TKey> GetEnumerator() 
     return new AVLEnumerator<TKey,TValue>(this); 

    //Interface for IEnumerable. Must be included w/ Ienumerable<T> 
    System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
     return this.GetEnumerator(); 

annnd ...

//This method will get the leftmost node of it's left subtree. 
    //used by the Enumeration class. 
    private BTNode<TKey, TValue> GetLeftMost(BTNode<TKey, TValue> currentNode) 
     while (currentNode.left != null) 
      currentNode = currentNode.left; 

     return currentNode; 






private class AVLEnumerator : IEnumerator<TKey> 
#region class variables 

    private AVLTree<TKey, TValue> AVLTreeEnum; 
    private BTNode<TKey, TValue> current; 

感謝,並沒有意識到......當然,我花了2個小時,試圖弄清楚發生了什麼事情太> 。< –