2010-10-27 51 views

\ a3.cpp(75):錯誤C2563:正式參數列表不匹配不匹配形式參數列表


#include <iostream> 
#include <cstdlib> 
using namespace std; 

const double peanut_PRICE = 1.80; 
const double peanut_SHIP = 0.50; 
const double BOOK_PRICE = 9; 
const double BOOK_SHIP = 1.06; 
const double MOVIE_PRICE = 13.99; 
const double MOVIE_SHIP = 0.05; 

double checkout (double myamountofbooks, double myamountofmovies, double mypoundsofpeanuts) 
    myamountofbooks = myamountofbooks * (BOOK_PRICE + BOOK_SHIP); 
    myamountofmovies = myamountofmovies * MOVIE_PRICE * (1 + MOVIE_SHIP); 
    mypoundsofpeanuts = mypoundsofpeanuts * (peanut_PRICE + peanut_SHIP); 
    return (myamountofbooks + myamountofmovies + mypoundsofpeanuts); 


bool validUserImput (int whereUserWantsToGoNext) 

    if (whereUserWantsToGoNext > 50 || whereUserWantsToGoNext < 0) 
    return false; 
    else return true; 


bool validUserImput (double whereUserWantsToGoNext) 

    if (whereUserWantsToGoNext > 50 || whereUserWantsToGoNext < 0) 
    return false; 
    else return true; 


int main() 
//===========================Declaration Statements================================== 
double amountofbooks = 0; 
double amountofmovies = 0; 
double poundsofpeanuts = 0; 
int whereUserWantsToGoNext = 0; 

    while (! (whereUserWantsToGoNext == 4)) 
    cout << "1. Books\n2. Peanuts\n3. Movies\n4. Checkout\n" << endl; 
    cin >> whereUserWantsToGoNext; 
    if (!validUserImput(whereUserWantsToGoNext)) cout << "INVALID IMPUT" << endl; 

    if (whereUserWantsToGoNext == 1){ 
    cout << "Please enter your number of books"; 
    cin >> amountofbooks; 
    if (!validUserImput(amountofbooks)) cout << "INVALID IMPUT" << endl; 

    if (whereUserWantsToGoNext == 3){ 
    cout << "Now please enter the number of movies you've selected"; 
    cin >> amountofmovies; 
    if (!validUserImput(amountofmovies)) cout << "INVALID IMPUT" << endl; 

    if (whereUserWantsToGoNext == 2) { 
    cout << "Please enter the weight(in pounds) of your peanuts"; 
    cin >> poundsofpeanuts; 
    if (!validUserImput(poundsofpeanuts)) cout << "INVALID IMPUT" << endl; 
    if (validUserImput == 4) cout << "Total Cost is..." << checkout(amountofbooks, amountofmovies, poundsofpeanuts); 
cin >> amountofbooks; 

這個詞是「輸入」,如在輸入/輸出。 – 2010-10-27 19:00:14


你的問題是你嘗試結帳的最後一部分的複製/粘貼錯誤。 – 2010-10-27 19:04:56



最後一個if - 你將函數指針與一個整數進行比較。試試這個:

if (validUserImput(3) == 4) cout << "Total Cost is..." << checkout(amountofbooks, amountofmovies, poundsofpeanuts); 

你打我吧=/ – 2010-10-27 19:04:21


'validUserImput'返回布爾型 – 2010-10-27 19:11:29


@Charles Salvia validUserImput是一個函數,它將int作爲參數m並返回一個布爾值。如果在調用示例時調用它,它是一個類型爲bool(*)(int)的函數指針,而不是對函數validUserImput – 2010-10-27 19:37:23



if (validUserImput == 4) ... 





if (whereUserWantsToGoNext == 4) cout << "Total Cost is..." << checkout(amountofbooks, amountofmovies, poundsofpeanuts) << endl;