2013-04-16 79 views



- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView 
     cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { 
    if (tableView == self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView) { 
     NSLog(@"constructing a search result table view cell ");    
    } else 
     NSLog(@"::: constructing a mail box table view cell"); 

- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section { 
    if (tableView == self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView) { 
     NSLog(@"searchDisplayController: number of rows: %d", [queryResultData count]); 
    } else { 
     NSLog(@"mailbox: NUMBER OF ROWS: %d", [self.emailData count]); 


[5033:c07] performing search with query hi 
[5033:c07] ftSearch started with query = hi dbNum = 0 
[5033:c07] mailbox: NUMBER OF ROWS IN SECTION: 19 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] mailbox: NUMBER OF ROWS IN SECTION: 19 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] searchDisplayController: number of rows are 1 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a search result table view cell 
[5033:c07] searchDisplayController: number of rows are 2 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a search result table view cell 
[5033:c07] searchDisplayController: number of rows are 3 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a search result table view cell 
[5033:c07] searchDisplayController: number of rows are 4 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a search result table view cell 
[5033:c07] searchDisplayController: number of rows are 5 
[5033:c07] mailbox: NUMBER OF ROWS IN SECTION: 19 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] mailbox: NUMBER OF ROWS IN SECTION: 19 
[5033:c07] searchDisplayController: number of rows are 6 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] mailbox: NUMBER OF ROWS IN SECTION: 19 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] mailbox: NUMBER OF ROWS IN SECTION: 19 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] mailbox: NUMBER OF ROWS IN SECTION: 19 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] mailbox: NUMBER OF ROWS IN SECTION: 19 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 
[5033:c07] ::: constructing a mail box table view cell 


enter image description here


enter image description here








- (void)searchDisplayControllerWillBeginSearch:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller { 
    isSearchViewDisplayed = YES; 

- (void)searchDisplayControllerDidEndSearch:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller { 
    isSearchViewDisplayed = NO; 


- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView { 
    if (tableView == self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView 
      || !isSearchViewDisplayed) { 
     return 1; 
    } else { 
     return 0; 

