2017-07-07 51 views
import time as t 
t = t.time 
starttime = t 
def calcprod(): 
    prod = 1 
    for i in range(1, 1000000): 
     prod = prod * i 
p = calcprod() 
print("The result is %s digits" % (str(len(p)))) 
endtime = t 
print("It took %s seconds to calculate" % (starttime - endtime)) 



是在一開始的時候,你貼一個錯字反引號StackOverflow的源代碼還是實際上隱藏在源代碼上的?除此之外,我沒有看到任何語法錯誤,您得到的確切'無效語法'報告是什麼(從REPL或IDE,...)? –


是的,Stackflow似乎在我的問題和代碼的開始和結尾處反覆出現。我不知道爲什麼。 – Codebek


這裏沒有SyntaxError。現在有什麼是1)由於'p'是'None',所以調用'len(p)'時出錯「(即使你返回了'prod',你不會從'calcprod'函數返回任何東西,它是' int'沒有len)和2)執行'starttime - endtime'時出錯,因爲你將這兩個函數分配給了*函數* time.time和* not *作爲*調用的結果*函數'時間'(即't()') –




import time as t 
t = t.time # Don't name this the same as your time library 
       # Also use t.time() instead of t.time 
starttime = t 
def calcprod(): 
    prod = 1 
    for i in range(1, 1000000): 
     prod = prod * i 
     # return a value here (hint: cast the result to a string) 
p = calcprod() 
print("The result is %s digits" % (str(len(p)))) 
endtime = t # This assigns the same value to 'endtime' as starttime. 
       # You need to measure the current time again. 
       # How can you do this? 
print("It took %s seconds to calculate" % (starttime - endtime)) 
       # Does it make sense to calculate starttime-endtime? 
       # Which one is the bigger value? 

