在下面的代碼實現執行罰款的智能指針,但最後我得到以下信息:Visual C++調試斷言失敗?
#ifndef SMART_PTR_H
#define SMART_PTR_H
Class: Auto_ptr
It implements a generic
smart pointer that doesn't need
to be deleted explicitly, i.e.
it provides garbage collection.
template<class T>
class Auto_ptr{
// constructors
explicit Auto_ptr(T* p = nullptr): value(p) { }; // constructor
Auto_ptr(Auto_ptr& p); // copy constructor
Auto_ptr& operator= (const Auto_ptr& p); // copy assignment
~Auto_ptr() { std::cout << "pointer deleted\n"; delete value; } // destructor
// access operators
const T& operator*() const { return *value; } // dereference operator
const T* operator->() const { return value; } // indirect class member access (arrow) operator
// non-modifying members
T* get() { return value; } // getter method
void reset(T* v); // reassing new value(default value: nullptr)
T* release(); // transfers the object to another pointer; without destroying it
// data member
T* value;
// class Auto_ptr member implementations
// Constructors
// copy constructor
template<class T>
Auto_ptr<T>::Auto_ptr(Auto_ptr& p) {
value = p.release();
// copy assignment
template<class T>
Auto_ptr<T>& Auto_ptr<T>::operator= (const Auto_ptr& p) {
if (this == &p) return *this;
if (value) delete value;
value = p.value;
return *this;
Function: release()
Use: T ptr = auto_ptr_obj.release();
It transfers the pointer value to the
caller, setting the data member value
to nullptr.
template <class T>
T* Auto_ptr<T>::release() {
T* temp = value;
value = nullptr;
return temp;
Function: reset()
Use: auto_ptr_obj.release(new_pointer);
It deletes the object pointer to by
pointer value and assings new_pointer;
template <class T>
void Auto_ptr<T>::reset(T* v) {
delete value;
value = v;
#include <iostream>
#include "smart_ptr.h"
#include "assert.h"
void test1() {
std::cout <<"\nTest constructor and get() member.\n";
Auto_ptr<int> p(new int);
*p.get() = 5;
std::cout <<"p points to: "<< *p << "\n";
//assert(*p, 5);
std::cout <<"TEST 1 DONE\n";
void test2() {
std::cout <<"\nTest reset() and release() members.\n";
Auto_ptr<int> p(new int);
*p.get() = 5;
std::cout <<"p points to: "<< *p << "\n";
p.reset(new int(10));
std::cout <<"reset() p points to: "<< *p << "\n";
//assert(*p, 10);
int *temp = p.release();
std::cout <<"caller of release(), temp points to: "<< *temp << "\n";
//assert(*temp, 10);
// nullptr dereferece error
// std::cout <<"p after being release()d points to: "<< *p << "\n";
std::cout <<"TEST 2 DONE\n";
void test3() {
std::cout <<"\nTest copy constructor and copy assignment.\n";
Auto_ptr<int> p1(new int(10));
Auto_ptr<int> p2(p1);
std::cout <<"copy constructed p2 points to: "<< *p2 << "\n";
//assert(*p2, 10);
Auto_ptr<int> p3(new int(20));
p1 = p3;
std::cout <<"copy assigned p1 points to: "<< *p1 << "\n";
//assert(*p1, 20);
std::cout <<"TEST 3 DONE\n";
int main() {
有趣的是,在Live example錯誤不可重現。
難道你不能只用調試器來發現錯誤嗎? – juanchopanza
這通常是「雙重刪除」的結果 - 在這種情況下,我懷疑它是您的副本分配。您賦值'value = p.value;'並且這兩個副本保持相同的'值'並且都嘗試刪除它。 – Niall
@simplicisveritatis。複製作業,對不起 - 你也應該使用'release'。並刪除'const'。您基本上需要將指針從一個指針移到另一個指針上。 – Niall