public class MapPanel extends JPanel {
private Image image;
private List<Territory> territories;
public MapPanel() {
try {
BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(
image = ImageIO.read(in);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// handle exception...
private void initialize() {
this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(900, 600));
public void setBackground(Image i) {
this.image = i;
public void paintComponent(final Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
public class Board {
private List<Territory> territories;
//private List<List<Tile>> rows;
public Board(List<Territory> territories) {
this.territories = territories;
public Iterator<Territory> getTerritories() {
return territories.iterator();
public class Territory implements java.io.Serializable {
//region Private Variables
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5360937073507663827L;
* The territory's name.
private String name;
* The representation of this territory in 2d space.
private Polygon region;
* List of Player objects currently residing in this geographical area
* of the world map.
private List<Player> players;
* Country that owns this territory.
private Country owner;
* List of neighboring territories that can be traveled to.
private List<Territory> neighbors;
//endregion Private Variables
public Territory(String name, Polygon region) {
this.name = name;
this.region = region;
players = new ArrayList<Player>();
owner = null;
* Get the name of this territory.
* @return name of this territory
public String getName() { return name; }
* Set the name of this territory.
* @param name name to give this territory
public void setName(String name) { this.name=name; }
* Get the bounded region for this territory.
* @return a Polygon object representing the 2D bounds of this
* territory
public Polygon getRegion() { return region; }
* Set the bounded region for this territory.
* @param region a Polygon object representing the 2D bounds of this
* territory
public void setRegion(Polygon region) { this.region=region; }
* Get the owning Country.
* @return the Country object that owns the geograpical area bounded
* by this territory.
public Country getCountry() { return owner; }
* Set the owning Country.
* @param country the Country object that owns the geograpical area
* bounded by this territory.
public void setCountry (Country country) { this.owner=country; }
public Iterator<Territory> getNeighbors() { return neighbors.iterator(); }
public void setNeighbors(List<Territory> neighbors) { this.neighbors = neighbors; }
* Get a list of all Player objects currently residing in this geographical
* area of the world map.
* @return an Iterator over a List of Player objects
public Iterator<Player> getPlayers() { return players.iterator(); }
* Adds a player to this Territory
* @param player Player object to add to this Territory
public void addPlayer(Player player) { players.add(player); }
* @param player
public void removePlayer(Player player) { players.remove(player); }
你能發表一些代碼嗎? – imulsion
你可以在JPanel中創建一個模型類的實例嗎?這就是我被告知我的MVC象棋項目做,當我把Java的 –
@imulsion一些代碼 – agent154