2013-11-23 73 views





public class MapPanel extends JPanel { 

    private Image image; 
    private List<Territory> territories; 

    public MapPanel() { 
     try { 
      BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(
      image = ImageIO.read(in); 
     } catch (IOException ex) { 
      // handle exception... 


    private void initialize() { 
     this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(900, 600)); 

    public void setBackground(Image i) { 
     this.image = i; 

    public void paintComponent(final Graphics g) { 
     g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null); 


public class Board { 

    private List<Territory> territories; 
    //private List<List<Tile>> rows; 

    public Board(List<Territory> territories) { 
    this.territories = territories; 

    public Iterator<Territory> getTerritories() { 
    return territories.iterator(); 


public class Territory implements java.io.Serializable { 

    //region Private Variables 
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5360937073507663827L; 

    * The territory's name. 
    private String name; 

    * The representation of this territory in 2d space. 
    private Polygon region; 

    * List of Player objects currently residing in this geographical area 
    * of the world map. 
    private List<Player> players; 

    * Country that owns this territory. 
    private Country owner; 

    * List of neighboring territories that can be traveled to. 
    private List<Territory> neighbors; 
    //endregion Private Variables 

    public Territory(String name, Polygon region) { 
    this.name = name; 
    this.region = region; 
    players = new ArrayList<Player>(); 
    owner = null; 

    * Get the name of this territory. 
    * @return name of this territory 
    public String getName() { return name; } 
    * Set the name of this territory. 
    * @param name name to give this territory 
    public void setName(String name) { this.name=name; } 
    * Get the bounded region for this territory. 
    * @return a Polygon object representing the 2D bounds of this 
    * territory 
    public Polygon getRegion() { return region; } 
    * Set the bounded region for this territory. 
    * @param region a Polygon object representing the 2D bounds of this 
    * territory 
    public void setRegion(Polygon region) { this.region=region; } 
    * Get the owning Country. 
    * @return the Country object that owns the geograpical area bounded 
    * by this territory. 
    public Country getCountry() { return owner; } 
    * Set the owning Country. 
    * @param country the Country object that owns the geograpical area 
    * bounded by this territory. 
    public void setCountry (Country country) { this.owner=country; } 
    public Iterator<Territory> getNeighbors() { return neighbors.iterator(); } 
    public void setNeighbors(List<Territory> neighbors) { this.neighbors = neighbors; } 

    * Get a list of all Player objects currently residing in this geographical 
    * area of the world map. 
    * @return an Iterator over a List of Player objects 
    public Iterator<Player> getPlayers() { return players.iterator(); } 
    * Adds a player to this Territory 
    * @param player Player object to add to this Territory 
    public void addPlayer(Player player) { players.add(player); } 
    * @param player 
    public void removePlayer(Player player) { players.remove(player); } 

你能發表一些代碼嗎? – imulsion


你可以在JPanel中創建一個模型類的實例嗎?這就是我被告知我的MVC象棋項目做,當我把Java的 –


@imulsion一些代碼 – agent154



您需要使用可觀察模式在MVC模式的組件之間進行通信。 另外,您可能需要考慮使用Facade模式來確保通信簡化。

模型:所有遊戲邏輯(也包含對象列表!) 控制器:解釋GUI上的用戶輸入 查看:報告對gui的操作。



更新我寧願一個模型類/接口和一個控制器?如果是這樣,那似乎會使事情變得過於複雜。比如說,我有一個獨立運動部件的遊戲:每個玩家都有自己的屬性,還有一個可以讓玩家四處移動的遊戲板。如果我有,裏面的電路板,其容納玩家資料面板,並且向世界展示了國家的不同視圖面板的面板上,應該有一個訪問點更新所有的意見(主要的JFrame的例如),還是每個小組都可以註冊爲他們唯一感興趣的模型部分的觀察者? – agent154


並且可以(使用最佳實踐)視圖的一部分是觀察者和控制器的鏈接?如果我想點擊棋盤移動,我還希望棋盤能夠更新球員的新位置。 – agent154


視圖和控制器所使用的策略模式構成;) 視圖具有控制器從而它們可以像進行通信。 和各個遊戲的「區域」是一個觀察者。例如,HUD是其中的一部分,「gameArea」是所有事情都發生的地方,並且是一個JPanel。 您可以使用立面圖案的一個訪問點,這可能會使其更易於管理:) –
