<button id="LearnMoreBtn">Learn More</a>
<div id="overlay"></div>
<div id="popup">
Popup contents here
#overlay {
display:none; //This make it initially hidden
position:fixed; //This makes it so it says in a fixed position even if they scroll around
left:0px; //This positions the element to the left most position
top:0px; //This positions the elment to the top most position
width:100%; //This makes the element take up 100% of the parents width
height:100%; //This makes the element take up 100% of the parents height
background:#000; //Give it a black background
opacity:0.5; //Change the opacity to 50% so that is see through.
z-index:99999; //Change the z-index so it will be above everything else
#popup {
left:50%; //left and top here position top left page
top:50%; //of the element to the center of the
width:300px; //Set the popup to have a specific width/height
margin-top:-75px; //To get the popup to center correctly we need
margin-left:-150px; //To displace the the top/left margins by half of the width/height
background:#FFFFFF; //Background of white
border:2px solid #000; //And give it a border
z-index:100000; is over the overlay
window.onload = function() {
**document.getElementById("LearnMoreBtn").onclick = function(){**
var overlay = document.getElementById("overlay");
var popup = document.getElementById("popup");
overlay.style.display = "block";
popup.style.display = "block";
在此先感謝=) 繼承人的演示: http://jsfiddle.net/j4c7U/
非常感謝你的作品很棒 –