2014-12-07 36 views

這是相對於HackerRank餐廳的問題,這是我在其他語言中已經解決了,但我想,現在,在C. https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/restaurant爲什麼在嘗試將數組從stdin複製到2d數組時遇到了分段錯誤?




// Gets the number of slices for this test according to the first input value from stdin. 
int read_num_slices() { 
    int num_slices = 0; 

    scanf("%i", &num_slices); 

    if (num_slices == 0) { 
    goto error; 

    return num_slices; 

    flag_error("ERROR: Could not parse the number of entries from first input line."); 

// Gets a single line from stdin and attempts to parse it into a 2D int array representing the dimensions of a slice. 
int* read_slice_dimension() { 
    static int slice_dimension[2] = {0}; 

    scanf("%i %i", &slice_dimension[0], &slice_dimension[1]); 

    if (slice_dimension[0] + slice_dimension[1] == 0) { 
    goto error; 

    return slice_dimension; 

    flag_error("ERROR: Could not parse line entered into a 2 integer array representing the slice's dimensions."); 

// Gets all of the bread slices to be processed. 
// This function reads from stdin. The first line should be a single integer that specifies the number of slices to be 
// processed by this current test. The subsequent lines should be two integers separated by a space which represent 
// the 2D dimensions of each slice. 
int** get_slices() { 
    int num_slices = read_num_slices(); 
    static int** slices; 
    slices = (int**)malloc(num_slices * sizeof(int*)); 

    int i = 0; 
    for (i; i < num_slices; i++) { 
    int* slice = slices[i]; 
    slice = (int*)malloc(2 * sizeof(int)); 
    memcpy(slice, read_slice_dimension(), 2 * sizeof(int)); 
    printf("%i %i\n", slices[i][0], slices[i][1]); // CAUSES SEGMENTATION FAULT 

    return slices; 

'static int slice_dimension [2] = {0};'不是2維數組。 – zmb 2014-12-07 19:07:58


@zmb該錯誤發生在'get_slices()'函數中,它試圖創建一個'slice_dimension'數組,它將是2D。 – josiah 2014-12-07 19:10:14


你正在設置'slice = slices [i]',然後調用'malloc'。這是倒退。調用'malloc',然後設置'slices [i]'。 – user3386109 2014-12-07 19:12:25



您'重新設置slice = slices[i],然後調用malloc。 '倒退。撥打malloc,然後設置slices[i]。 –   user3386109
