此代碼工作 -
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
# select a folder
column(2, absolutePanel(fixed = TRUE, width = '180px',
selectInput("pick_a_folder", label = '', selected='choose a folder',
choices = setNames(as.list(c('choose a folder',
basename(list.dirs(recursive = FALSE)))),
c('choose a folder',
basename(list.dirs(recursive = FALSE))))))),
# select a file
column(2, absolutePanel(fixed = TRUE, width = '180px',
conditionalPanel(condition='!(input.pick_a_folder=="choose a folder")',
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# dinamic file selection. find the files list after folder is choosen
output$fileselection <- renderUI({
selectInput('pick_file', '', selected = 'choose a file',
choices=setNames(as.list(c('choose a file',basename(list.files(path=input$pick_a_folder,recursive=FALSE, pattern='\\.seg$')))),
c('choose a file',basename(list.files(path = input$pick_a_folder, recursive = FALSE, pattern='\\.seg$')))))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
問題是,如果我在運行代碼後向工作目錄添加文件夾,則不會顯示該文件夾。 於是,我就夾選擇移動到服務器,並使其依賴於一個刷新按鈕,但我得到一個錯誤的list.files
錯誤:無效的「路徑」的說法 這是我的代碼 -
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
# refresh butten for root directory
column(1, absolutePanel(fixed=TRUE, actionButton("refresh_wd", "refresh"))),
# select a folder
column(2, absolutePanel(fixed = TRUE, width = '180px', uiOutput('folderselection'))),
# select a file
column(2, absolutePanel(fixed = TRUE, width = '180px',
conditionalPanel(condition='!(input.pick_a_folder=="choose a folder")',
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# refresh root directory
wd_folders <- eventReactive(input$refresh_wd, {
basename(list.dirs(recursive = FALSE))
output$folderselection <- renderUI({
selectInput('pick_a_folder', '', selected = 'choose a folder',
choices = setNames(as.list(c('choose a folder', wd_folders())),
c('choose a folder', wd_folders())))
# dinamic file selection. find the file list after folder is choosen
output$fileselection <- renderUI({
selectInput('pick_a_file', '', selected = 'choose a file',
choices=setNames(as.list(c('choose a file',basename(list.files(path=input$pick_a_folder,recursive=FALSE, pattern='\\.seg$')))),
c('choose a file',basename(list.files(path = input$pick_a_folder, recursive = FALSE, pattern='\\.seg$')))))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
只是爲了確保:您是否希望用戶在服務器端選擇文件,還是從自己的計算機中選擇文件? –
從我的腳本在哪裏,在服務器 –
所以'fileInput()'不是你正在尋找的然後:http://shiny.rstudio.com/reference/shiny/latest/fileInput.html –