for(var i = 0; i < jsonIncident.length; i++)
var x = jsonIncident[i].Latitude
var y = jsonIncident[i].Longitude
//I can only retreive lat and lon for the image position
//However to add an image i need it to be in x and y format.
var type = jsonIncident[i].IncidentType
var time = jsonIncident[i].MyDate
var loc = jsonIncident[i].MyDate
var desc = jsonIncident[i].Description
var image
//This where you add the image
var incident = new esri.Graphic({ "geometry": { "x": x, "y": y,
"spatialReference": { "wkid": 3414 }
}, "attributes": { "Title": type,
"Time": time, "Location": loc, "Description": desc, } });
map.infoWindow.resize(320, 130);
也許我錯過了一些東西,但你能解釋一下你是什麼意思嗎?轉換lan和lon到X Y' – psubsee2003 2012-07-19 01:02:14
因爲你添加圖像的部分,它只能在X中取任何Y格式。然而,什麼im檢索是在經緯度和緯度格式(: – user1536452 2012-07-19 01:08:11
真的沒有回答這個問題。這個解釋只是重申轉換緯度/經度爲X Y.你的緯度和經度以度/分/秒或十進制度或其他數據類型?我對ESRI API不熟悉什麼是X和Y?整數是否是雙精度?如果我們能夠爲您提供幫助,您需要提供更多細節 – psubsee2003 2012-07-19 01:14:31