2012-04-13 90 views

我正在尋找使用WP-Pointers來顯示由jQuery Validation Plugin生成的驗證錯誤的可能性。jQuery驗證和WP-指針


    content: '<h3>Error</h3><p>Lorem Ipsum.</p>', 
    position: 'right', 
    close: function() { 



debug     : true, 
rules     : { username : {required: true, minlength: 4}, 
          email  : {required: true, email: true} 
messages    : { username : 'Username must be atleast 4 characters long.', 
          email  : 'Please enter a valid email address.' 
errorLabelContainer  : '.message-box', 
submitHandler   : function(form) { 
     success   : show_registration_response, 
     url    : ajaxVars.ajaxurl, 
     type   : 'POST', 
     timeout   : 10000, 
     clearForm  : true, 
     resetForm  : true 



得到了解決。但是,由於我沒有足夠的聲望,因此無法在下一個7-8小時後發佈答案。 – John 2012-04-13 19:11:46



將WP-Pointer腳本包裝爲jQuery Validate的invalidHandler選項中的回調。此外,指定errorPlacement選項並且不回叫,以停止顯示元素旁邊的錯誤。

debug   : true, 
rules   : { username : {required: true, minlength: 4}, 
        email  : {required: true, email: true} 
messages  : { username : 'Username must be atleast 4 characters long.', 
        email  : 'Please enter a valid email address.' 
invalidHandler : function(form, validator) { 
        var errors = validator.numberOfInvalids(); 
        if (errors) { 
          content: '<h3>Error</h3><p>' + validator.errorList[0].message + '</p>', 
          position: 'top', 
          close: function() { 
           // This function is fired when you click the close button 

         validator.errorList[0].element.focus(); //Set focus 
errorPlacement : function(error, element) { 

submitHandler : function(form) { 
         success   : show_registration_response, 
         url    : ajaxVars.ajaxurl, 
         type   : 'POST', 
         timeout   : 10000, 
         clearForm  : true, 
         resetForm  : true 