<c03 id="ref6488" level="file">
<unittitle>Clinic Building</unittitle>
<unitdate era="ce" calendar="gregorian">1947</unitdate>
<c04 id="ref34582" level="file">
<container label="Box" type="Box">156</container>
<container label="Folder" type="Folder">3</container>
<c04 id="ref6540" level="file">
<container label="Box" type="Box">156</container>
<unittitle>Contact prints</unittitle>
<c04 id="ref6606" level="file">
<container label="Box" type="Box">154</container>
<xsl:template match="c03/did">
<xsl:when test="not(container)">
<!-- If no c03 container item is found, look in the c04 level for one -->
<xsl:if test="../c04/did/container">
<!-- If a c04 container item is found, use the info to build a c03 version -->
<!-- Skip c03 container item, if still no c04 items found -->
<container label="Box" type="Box">
<!-- Build container list -->
<!-- Test for more than one item, and if so, list them, -->
<!-- separated by commas and a space -->
<xsl:for-each select="../c04/did">
<xsl:if test="position() > 1">, </xsl:if>
<xsl:value-of select="container"/>
<!-- If there is a c03 container item(s), list it normally -->
<xsl:copy-of select="."/>
<container label="Box" type="Box">156, 156, 154</container>
當什麼了 「容器」 的結果我想要的是
<container label="Box" type="Box">154, 156</container>
<c03 id="ref6488" level="file">
<container label="Box" type="Box">154, 156</container>
<unittitle>Clinic Building</unittitle>
<unitdate era="ce" calendar="gregorian">1947</unitdate>
<c04 id="ref34582" level="file">
<container label="Box" type="Box">156</container>
<container label="Folder" type="Folder">3</container>
<c04 id="ref6540" level="file">
<container label="Box" type="Box">156</container>
<unittitle>Contact prints</unittitle>
<c04 id="ref6606" level="file">
<container label="Box" type="Box">154</container>
屬性。查看我對XSLT 1.0解決方案的回答,該解決方案比當前選定的XSLT 2.0解決方案更短。 :) – 2010-04-20 13:26:48