Reading iCal info from file to make iCal event
Reading iCal info from file to make iCal event
您可以創建一個類似date "7/4/2013 6:00 PM"
set input to "7/4 night
7/5 day"
set y to year of (current date)
set text item delimiters to " "
repeat with l in paragraphs of input
set d to text item 1 of l
set type to text item 2 of l
if type is "night" then
set sd to date (d & "/" & y & " 5:00 PM")
set ed to date (d & "/" & y & " 11:00 PM")
else if type is "day" then
set sd to date (d & "/" & y & " 9:00 AM")
set ed to date (d & "/" & y & " 5:00 PM")
end if
tell application "Calendar" to tell calendar "test"
make new event with properties {start date:sd, end date:ed, summary:"work"}
end tell
end repeat
這是一種方法。注意我在Mountain Lion上,所以應用程序是Calendar,而不是iCal ...但如果您使用的是iCal,則命令相同。您的日期錯誤很可能是因爲您的日期必須採用applescript日期格式。請注意,我將開始日期和結束日期以字符串格式初始化,並將它們轉換爲Apple日曆日期,然後再將事件添加到日曆。
set calendarName to "Home"
set theSummary to "Event Title"
set theDescrption to "The notes for the event"
set theLocation to "Karl's House"
set startDate to "July 4, 2013 6:30:00 PM"
set endDate to "July 5, 2013 1:00:00 AM"
set startDate to date startDate
set endDate to date endDate
tell application "Calendar"
tell (first calendar whose name is calendarName)
make new event at end of events with properties {summary:theSummary, start date:startDate, end date:endDate, description:theDescrption, location:theLocation}
end tell
end tell
非常棒 - 謝謝!我已通過添加:顯示對話框「輸入班次」默認答案「日/月班」 設置輸入(文本返回結果)有無論如何讓整個事情循環,所以我可以將其保存爲應用? – Rob
實際上已經解決了......只好在正確的地方添加重複。 – Rob