我看到了無邊界窗口周圍陰影的代碼,但這裏是我的問題。 using System.Windows.Interop;
下劃線,我不能在參考中找到它。此外,在public static void DropShadowToWindow(Window window)
此窗口有下劃線,所以我猜它連接到互操作...'using System.Windows.Interop;'它在哪裏?
using System.Drawing.Printing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Interop;
class DwmDropShadow
[DllImport("dwmapi.dll", PreserveSig = true)]
private static extern int DwmSetWindowAttribute(IntPtr hwnd, int attr, ref int attrValue, int attrSize);
private static extern int DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(IntPtr hWnd, ref Margins pMarInset);
/// <summary>
/// Drops a standard shadow to a WPF Window, even if the window isborderless. Only works with DWM (Vista and Seven).
/// This method is much more efficient than setting AllowsTransparency to true and using the DropShadow effect,
/// as AllowsTransparency involves a huge permormance issue (hardware acceleration is turned off for all the window).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="window">Window to which the shadow will be applied</param>
public static void DropShadowToWindow(Window window)
if (!DropShadow(window))
window.SourceInitialized += new EventHandler(window_SourceInitialized);
private static void window_SourceInitialized(object sender, EventArgs e) //fixed typo
Window window = (Window)sender;
window.SourceInitialized -= new EventHandler(window_SourceInitialized);
/// <summary>
/// The actual method that makes API calls to drop the shadow to the window
/// </summary>
/// <param name="window">Window to which the shadow will be applied</param>
/// <returns>True if the method succeeded, false if not</returns>
private static bool DropShadow(Window window)
WindowInteropHelper helper = new WindowInteropHelper(window);
int val = 2;
int ret1 = DwmSetWindowAttribute(helper.Handle, 2, ref val, 4);
if (ret1 == 0)
Margins m = new Margins { Bottom = 0, Left = 0, Right = 0, Top = 0 };
int ret2 = DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(helper.Handle, ref m);
return ret2 == 0;
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
// Probably dwmapi.dll not found (incompatible OS)
return false;
這是WPF的代碼,你需要開始用正確的項目模板。然後添加對System.Drawing的引用。奇怪的組合,最好不要複製/粘貼你不明白的代碼,真的。 –